It is disheartening to fervently pray, earnestly interceding for something — and then see the circumstances around you appear completely counter to how you’d hoped. This past week there were many such situations, and as I continued in prayer and searched the Scriptures, God brought me to Mark 4.

To the storm.

You know the story, right? The crowds are basically mobbing Jesus because His healing and delivering power is so incredible that throngs of people are pressing in around him at all times. So he tells his disciples to get in the boat, and they’d sail across the Sea of Galilee to the other side. But during the night, while Jesus is sound asleep, the storm comes, the waves crash, and the boat begins filling with water.

The disciples cry out, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

Jesus wakes, rebukes the wind and says to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Suddenly all is calm, and the disciples are amazed.

But the wind isn’t the only thing Jesus rebukes. He rebukes His disciples as well: “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

Part of me has wondered what they did wrong. What showed Jesus that they had no faith? They woke Jesus up, didn’t they? They knew that He was the answer, isn’t that pretty good faith? Isn’t that what we do in faith?

But listen to their words: “Do you not care?!”

There’s the unbelief

Notice that their doubt is not a doubt of Jesus’ power but of His goodness.

Don’t you care?! 

They don’t say, “Aren’t you able to fix this?!”

They say, “Do you not care?!”

And isn’t that what we say? When we don’t see the answer, when we’re confused and disheartened and don’t see the desired result right away, aren’t we so tempted to grumble to God in our hearts:

Do You not care?!” 

I believe the entire attack of the enemy, his entire scheme and only real aim is to get us to question the goodness of GodHe knows there’s no use making us doubt His power. It’s obvious. Ummm…Jesus rose from the dead — I think the power issue is settled.

But if he can get us to doubt the goodness of God, he wins. If he can erode our trust, our rest in His love and special care and provision, if we can think,

“There’s God, asleep on the job, clearly He must not care.” 

Then he wins.

But he won’t win. Because we are not ignorant of his schemes and we know that affirming and declaring the goodness of God will always bring the victory. No matter what the storm is like, or how “asleep” He looks, we express our faith by not only declaring His power, but His goodness as well.

For the LORD is good,

his steadfast love endures forever,

and His faithfulness to all generations.

Psalm 100:5

{May His goodness carry you this weekend. Thanks for reading.}

6 thoughts on ““Do you not care?””

  1. Thank you so much for this post!! I have been feeling like this for awhile not that God couldn’t do it, I knew He could but that he didn’t love me didn’t care about me, it hurt sooo much! Thanks for sharing this and showing me it was NOT Him but me and my unbelief.

  2. YESSS. This has been a hangup for me in darker times. I’m still learning the power of ‘affirming and declaring the goodness of God’ out loud, with my actual voice 🙂 Thanks for faithfully delivering these nuggets of gold, Kari. Also I am reminded of the words of C.S. Lewis that I had pinned up for a long time: ‘We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.’ Or as I’ve heard it put elsewhere: ‘I know that God is good, but is He good to ME?’ And I believe that He is. (Miss you, lady)

  3. God bless you Kari. (that pic is amazing too… makes me think wow- who are we to even question our God! *Remember Job*.)

  4. Thanks so much for your words Kari! I have been thinking the very same thoughts lately. I have a 2 week old who has not been sleeping very well and has been crying for what it seems non stop the last weeks. I found myself asking God if he care last night as I broke down in tears. I know He does care and your words have helped remind me of that and encouraged me in what I know is just a trying phase.

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