Let’s back up for a moment and talk about the team. One of the main highlights of this experience was the Team Spirit.

At first, I wasn’t sure whether this fast would be private or corporate. I knew that Lou Engle warns against trying to go it alone, and encourages those engaging in 40-day fasts to have a buddy or a small group, for support, encouragement, accountability. But then, you certainly can’t force anyone else to fast, so while I wanted to do it with a group, I didn’t want to obligate or overtly ask anyone. The only thing worse than going without (most) food for 40 days would be to do it against your will!

Thankfully, I didn’t have to look far for my first fasting buddy. Jeff immediately said he was in. He also read The Jesus Fast and shared my conviction that we should embark on this together. So, we bought copies of the book for our church leaders, and let them know we’d be doing a 40-day fast and that no one was obligated but all were invited. We didn’t bring it up again, so I had no way of knowing who was joining along.

It wasn’t until the night before the fast began that I knew who the team was. There were 10 of us total, 7 ladies and 3 men, taking part in various types of fasts for the 40 days. Each one was a little different, but the fun part was each one was tailor-made for that particular person. Each of us had prayed and asked the Lord to show us what our unique fast was, so we could move forward in confidence. In every case, the Lord graciously pinpointed those things we tend to “turn to” instead of Him. Each one was specific, and challenging in its own way. (One of the men had to end the fast after a few days because the light-headedness made his job too dangerous, but he continued steadfastly in prayer, still with us in spirit. Another gal joined later, and did 30 days.)

Knowing we were doing this together, as a team, made all the difference in the world. We could laugh together, cry together, send SOS texts when we were so tired or grumpy or just plain feeling so DONE with fasting that we needed some emergency prayer. In fact, a few of us had a daily touch-base group text with Scriptures, requests, and praises. For forty days straight we rallied in prayer for each other every single day. Team Spirit for the win!

While every relationship benefitted from joining together in this way, I was most impacted by seeing how fasting together blessed our marriage. It was so powerful to be going through this together, feeling the same symptoms, both feeling weak or tired and both committing to extended times in prayer. It was so helpful that no matter where we went, or what challenges came up, we were in it together. We could laugh with each other over slimy green smoothies, reminding each other we’d be able to chew soon enough.

I know not everyone has the luxury of a spouse or close friend that would do this type of thing, but can I just encourage you in saying: Pray for a friend who will seek hard after Jesus next to you. BE a friend who is seeking Jesus. Consider asking your spouse if he or she might want to fast one meal together, one day a week? Consider asking a friend if she’d like to fast lunch on Thursdays and pray together over the phone? It doesn’t have to be a big thing.

Every single time we go without, we say no to our flesh and yes to God, we experience His strength in new ways. How glorious it is to do that together. Throughout the Scriptures, in times of great need or crisis, God’s people have banded together to seek Him together through prayer and fasting, and He has always responded.

Are you considering a little (or big!) step into fasting? Consider asking your spouse or a friend if he or she would consider joining alongside you. You might just be so blessed to see the Team Spirit He builds in you both. 

{Thanks for reading.}

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