Week's end with thanks

Trip to the zoo with friend of 31 years. All of us into our car. Five carseats and five loud happy children. Good times. All five children making it happily all the way through the zoo.  Success! All the animals out!  Crazy otters playing, all the lions right up close, turtles pressed up to glass, both giraffes out to […]

Week's end with thanks

Napping in the grass outside Buckingham Palace (above), sunshine spilling over us, resting our weary feet, soaking up God’s grace. Blessed {Single-Minded} singles, eager for the gospel, warm and inviting toward us. Finally getting used to their accents and being able to carry on a conversation. Having the honor of teaching Expectancy without Expectation to […]

How Much We Are The Same

There is more than just an ocean between us. Upon arrival in London, I was quickly reminded how different the English culture is from American culture. Before even leaving the airport I stopped and ordered a coffee and the darling asked, “white or black?” The drive to the conference brought further reminders of the differences. […]

F is for Flight to London. {Single-minded}

So excited to land this morning in London and head to {Single-Minded}! We humbly ask for your prayers as Jeff and I embark on this adventure of teaching the conference. We’ve prayed, prepared, and sought Him, and now we wait in expectancy to see what our glorious God will do for His glory. Happy Friday to […]

Glorious Fulfillment

I am applauding you. You have traversed the jagged terrain of our disappointment discussion and haven’t quit reading! Thank you. Although this is our final post in the series, it’s likely not the last time disappointment will cross our minds. I am so thankful for the journey. The good news is that although God does […]

A Sunday blessing

As we turn the corner from disappointment to fulfillment, from expectations to expectancy, this blessing seems appropriate. Given to Henri Nouwen by his spiritual mentor … May all your expectations be frustrated. May all your plans be thwarted. May all of your desires be withered into nothingness. That you may experience the powerlessness and poverty […]

The Disappointment Cycle

Take heart, dear friends, we’re almost done with disappointment! Remember we said that although God purposefully and strategically disappoints us, His ultimate purpose is that we would not live a life of disappointment. Right?  His purpose is to build our faith so that we will not live in fear. Why? Because fear keeps us bound on […]


“Expecting.”  That’s what they call a woman who’s pregnant–she’s expecting. It is a very appropriate term, as I am now just a few days from my due date and really really thought Heidi would have arrived by now.  Nothing profound here, just thoughts on waiting.  You’d think I wouldn’t get my hopes up, after all my […]