You are beautiful {International Women's Day}

you are beautiful

First off, THANK YOU. Thank you for your enthusiasm for Faithfully Frugal and for spreading the word so others can spend less, give more, and live more. Please continue to share, write a review, and spread the word about embracing this faithfully frugal way of life.

Now, let’s do this!

Today we have reason to celebrate. Today is International Women’s Day, which means that for this one day we get to shout YEEHAW! to the world about all things woman. Raise a chocolate bar in the air, swing your hips, turn your face to heaven and give your biggest smile to thank God for making you a woman. You are beautiful, you are cherished, you are celebrated, you are the crown of his creation. (Or, if you’re a man, thank God for making women and consider how you can bless one today!)

I’m so glad there’s a day to celebrate women worldwide … but let’s just say:

Not everyone is celebrating.


Yesterday afternoon my Bus Stop 32 friend Julie and I sat in my kitchen over steaming bowls of lentil soup. I watched her face light up as I sliced up an avocado and sprinkled it with salt. “My favorite!” She smiled, and as I looked across the kitchen at her, I couldn’t help but stop, struck by this one thought:

She’s so beautiful.

So incredibly beautiful. Yes, broken. Yes, addicted. Yes, in desperate need. But so am I and when I look at her I see her beauty and it’s a beauty that’s worth fighting for.

A beauty we must fight for.

Because every woman displays the beauty of God. 

Yes, women show the world the beauty of God. 

No, I don’t mean the beauty of a size 0 figure or flawless skin. The beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. The beauty of bravery and courage. The beauty of faith-filled trust. The beauty of sacrificial love. The beauty of vulnerability. And yes, even a woman’s physical appearance–in all sizes and shapes and ages–reflects the beauty of our God.

It’s a beauty that the evil one wants to destroy. Julie had told me last week that in her job-search she’d found an 80-year old man who said she could clean his house for $15. So she did. Then yesterday when I asked her about it, she got quiet. “Yeah, that’s probably not going to work out. I cleaned his house Monday night but then he wanted me to do other stuff. Take off my clothes and stuff.” She looked up at me. “I can’t do that. So I guess that job is probably gone.”

There is no doubt in my mind that Satan has a special hatred for women. We need look no further than the pages of history to see this focused assault. Stasi Eldredge says it like this.

The assault on femininity — its long history, its utter viciousness — cannot be understood apart from the spiritual forces of evil we are warned against in the Scriptures. That is not to say that men (and women, for they, too, assault women) have no accountability in their treatment of women. Not at all. It is simply to say that no explanation for the assault upon Eve and her daughters is sufficient unless it opens our eyes to the Prince of Darkness and his special hatred of femininity. (Captivating, 84)

But instead of sitting around and wringing our hands about the state of our world, we can take the LIGHT of Jesus Christ into the darkness and illuminate God’s women and lift them up so they too can be beacons of his beauty, love, grace.

Whenever we bring light into the darkness, we discover more and more of His beauty that we never even knew existed. 

So today, for International Women’s Day, here are 3 ways you can shine light on the beauty of God’s women in our world:
girls going to school

1. Sponsor a Woman Missionary.

  • For only $30/month (cutting out ONE restaurant-meal a month could free up this much cash) can sponsor a woman missionary  through Gospel for Asia.  Consider: Over 50,000 female children are aborted every month in South Asia. Females are often the last to eat and the most likely to be illiterate. They’re the first to work as child laborers and sometimes even sold to become one of 1.2 million child prostitutes. As they grow they gain little respect. They live in the most unreached parts of the world—places that have yet to hear the Gospel. And many women cannot be approached by men due to cultural customs, making their slim chance of hearing the Gospel even slimmer. Gospel for Asia has a burden to reach them. We believe that uplifting the lives of these women is one of the most significant things that can come about to transform families and communities for Christ.Today, if you will sponsor a woman missionary through GFA, Jeff and I will send you a FREE copy of Half The Sky. Just email me your receipt (kari at karipatterson dot com) and we’ll send you the book. (Jeff is offering the same thing on his blog.)

2. Watch the GIRL RISING trailer and request a screening in your city.

girl rising

  • WORLD VISION hosted Seattle’s red carpet premiere of this documentary last night, and Jeff and I have requested to have a screening come in April to the Hilltop 9 theater in Oregon City. Go HERE to request a screening in your city after watching the trailer:

3. Read Half The Sky.

half the sky

  • No, it’s not a light read. No, you won’t fall asleep with warm, happy feelings in your heart. But I believe you will have a better understanding of this focused assault on women, and be encouraged and inspired to do whatever you can to share the love of Christ with women in the margins worldwide. From the far reaches of Cambodia to the neighbor woman right down your street. ALL women are worth of God’s love and special care.  It’s less than $10 on Amazon. Or, better yet——skip up to #1, sponsor a missionary and Jeff and I will send you the book for free! 🙂

Thank you to all you beautiful woman (and fabulous men!) for spreading the light of Jesus Christ to the dark corners of the world. Let’s pray this International Women’s Day finds a few more girls rising in the light of His love … Thanks for reading.