Always something better. {Giveaway}

I can’t believe I’m here right now.

The ocean is lapping soft against the sand just below my bedroom window. We drove up last night to Whidbey Island, to join the World Vision and Thomas Nelson crew in the filming of a DVD curriculum for Richard Stearns’ new book.  Yes, Richard Stearns, the man who wrote The Hole in Our Gospel and who–by the power of God’s Spirit–completely ruined my ordinary life. 

I’ll be forever grateful.

Grateful that God inspired Stearns to write the words, “What’s in your hand?” To cause me to look down and take inventory of exactly what God had entrusted to me, that I could lay down at His feet in worship.  I’m so grateful God equipped him to share the stories of children–millions of them–all beloved by God, and dying by the thousands every single day. It was this book that served as the Tipping Point for us, and tipped us over into a life of living  head-over-heels for the Kingdom (or at least trying to!). It was more than two years ago, and so much has changed.

Most of all, my heart.

It’s a simple truth, but it bears repeating: Whatever we “give up” for God He always replaces with something so much better.

And by “better” I don’t mean what the world means. Not merely health, wealth, and popularity. Not a bigger house or a higher-paying job, although He might toss that in just for fun.

We give up addiction and we get freedom in return.

We give up an empty pursuit of the American Dream and He gives us the life-changing adventure of the Kingdom-of-God-Dream.

We give up control and He takes us on a wild ride.

We give up our money and He provides for us in intimate, personal, unimaginable ways that woo us, make us dizzy with His love, bring us to our knees.

Really, God? I get to meet the man who you used to influence my life so greatly? I get to stay in a beautiful house on Whidbey Island, with my husband, and discuss the truth of how glorious you are and how you’ve changed our lives?  Really?

And more than this. Really, God–we get to live this life, this adventure and watch you do greater and greater things, as you build your Kingdom and proclaim Your glorious gospel here on this earth?

Note to self: Remember this when all you can see if what you’ve left behind. 

We all have those times. When all we can see is what we no longer have. Or what we never had but wish we did. Or what we’re asked to give up. When all we can see is the hill ahead and all we can feel are the burning legs and fatigue and Oh God, Why is this adventure so hard? 

It is hard. But so worth it.

Because there’s always something better. God can always one-up you. He can always out-give you. He can always out-bless you. And although I am not there yet, I truly believe if we throw ourselves with reckless abandon, at His feet and enlist ourselves in His service, obeying His commands at all cost …

There will be something so much better.  Suffering, probably. Loss. But also hope. Strength. Joy. Peace. Abundance.


(Lose it to find it.)

What is God asking you to give away? Status? Control? A habit? Money? What is there, in your hand, clenched tight with white-knuckled grip?

What would it look like to lose it, give it, let it go? What glorious thing might He have for you? Lose it to find it. There’s always something better. 

{Have you read The Hole in Our Gospel yet? Want a free copy? Leave a comment and we’ll pick one reader to receive a copy, but only if you promise to pass it on to another friend when you are finished reading. Deal? Deal! Thanks so much for reading.}