Hey friends! I’m way late in sharing this, we’re in a super busy season right now, but wanted to share this from over at Simple Homeschool. It’s written from the perspective of helping our kids, but these can most certainly be applied (and should be!) to ourselves first and foremost. Hope this can be helpful!

“I need to be able to offer you constructive criticism without you getting upset about it.”

She looked at me coldly. I blinked back tears. It was the worst possible moment for her sweeping criticism. I was tired, had spent the whole day serving others (doing work she wasn’t doing!) and now I was being sat down and told I’d done it wrong. That my motives were wrong! Oy vey!

And then when I was hurt by the criticism I was criticized for being hurt by the criticism! I also had the sinking suspicion her heart toward me was not entirely one of love. She seemed to enjoy putting me in my place.

Do you hear my defensiveness, even in the way I retell the story?….

Read the rest here: https://simplehomeschool.net/criticism/

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