2013-11-17 10.50.41-1

We’ve had a full year. Very full. So full I just about lost my mind. And so this Christmas we, as a family, have opted to slow. Stop. Enjoy. Worship. I skipped the Christmas cards this year (though I love receiving them–thank you!). I haven’t baked a single Christmas cookie. I have just a few simple gifts for a few special people. The rest, I just trust and know that they will give us grace (smile) and allow us to love on them and gift them at another time. I humbly hope my loved ones know my love throughout the year.

And so, beginning now, we are taking a week of rest. As I type out these few words, Dutch is quietly engrossed in Lego creations, humming to himself, while Heidi sings her own made up Christmas song: “Hark the Harold the Lord has Come! Praise the Lord! The King of our salvation! Holy says the Lord! Worship in the temple!” Jeff is folding laundry. We’re all wearing sweatpants.

I know we’re all in different places. We all have different capacities for busyness. We all have different temperaments. So whether you are social or quiet, introverted or extraverted, a homebody or a social butterfly, I simply invite you this week to live worshipful. Perhaps that means quiet. Perhaps that means singing, reading, loving, serving.

Ask Jesus how He would most love for you to spend His birthday. Perhaps, like the shepherds, we will just be so drawn by the beauty of His glory, that we leave everything behind and just kneel before Him in quiet celebration. Whatever you do this week, live worshipful

For us, this means a week of quiet–so I will not posting here this week. Friday I’ll be over at Simple Homeschool sharing some thoughts for how to handle dark days. Until then, I am heading offline for some sacred silence, heading into a week of rest and rejoicing, worshipping the newborn King.

And so, until Friday, I wish you all a Merry Quiet Christmas.

{With all my heart, thank you for reading.}

4 thoughts on “Merry Quiet Christmas”

  1. Yes and Amen! We are loving our quiet Christmas this year, such Peace. Also, Heidi’s song was amazing lol! We should put it to some music and introduce during the next worship set at Renew 😉

  2. I have become quite the Sacred Mundane fan and just wanted to thank you for blessing me this year with your thoughts. I have admired you since college and am glad I can continue to learn and be inspired by you through your writing. Thank you for your transparency and humor. May the Pattersons have the sweetest quiet Christmas ever!

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