Just for fun, I asked y’all to share with me some of your favorite “fail” moments as a mom. Some sweet gals gathered last night to talk about how we measure our worth as women, and so often it’s based on our performance as moms. So, I just thought it’d be refreshing to see a glimpse of what our days are really like, as moms. I didn’t have space to include them all, but here are a few, kept anonymous. 😉  Enjoy!

There was the time we loaded all the kids in the car for the ride to church and I kept feeling like I was forgetting something. It was baby number 4 who was sleeping in the bassinet inside the house.

i let them have brownies for breakfast, skip homeschooling, play in the mud, stay outside in the dark to play in the rain…one in just a diaper…..all just today.

I used a wipe to clean my child up before the Dr appointment when I realized he hadn’t bathed in a week and might smell….there was no clean underwear either!

I bribe my older 2 with cash to play with the 2 yr old so I can get a break. Or dumping the poop out of a diaper then putting it back on and using paper towels as wipes while shopping,because I forgot to bring diapers and wipes.

I once bribed my kids into an early bed time with the promise of chocolate cake for breakfast the next morning. I also discovered about a year too late that my son had outgrown his underwear. Gives a new spin to “tighty whities.”

Finally Remembering to brush my toddler’s teeth at bedtime. No fruits or veggies with any meals cause I need to go to the store. Having to run the washing machine again (maybe a few times!) because the clothes have mildewed.

I made homemade cinnamon rolls for my husband’s birthday this year. It was so much work and I was so exhausted that I let my 2 year old eat them for breakfast, lunch, and you guessed it… Dinner too!

I let my boys pee in the backyard when they’re outside playing, for simplicity and so they don’t track dirt into the house over and over. Apparently, I’ve failed to make sure they know the backyard is the ONLY outdoor place they can pee, because they’ve ALL (4 of them) peed outside in public places (planters, playgrounds, etc).

Signing up to bring a friend & her sweet little family dinner after bringing home a new baby.. And not remembering until the day after I was assigned.

Just today, I took my two year old to my financial appointment and thought there was a funny smell in the room. I realized as I was leaving that my daughter had completely soaked and pooped through her diaper and clothes . She was the funny smell apparently.

My two year old son walked across the street without me having a clue.

Fell asleep before it was time to pick our son up from school when he was in kindergarten and the office had to call me, I was so embarrassed!! And felt so bad that my son thought his momma forgot him!

With my first daughter I was getting ready for her 3 day old check up and feeling pretty confident I even mentioned to my mom that this was way easier than I thought it would be and I didn’t understand why moms were always late to everything. About halfway there I looked down and noticed I was wearing my fuzzy pink slippers. I hadn’t changed into my shoes. I guess this new mom thing wasn’t so easy after all  the nurses had a good laugh about it.

when Elle’s told me she had to go potty- Not wanting to go back into the store I did something I thought I would never do…..opened my car door for some privacy and let her go potty on the ground, in our parking spot. I was holding her while she was going and heard her grunt. I knew before even looking that she had gone #2….not knowing what to do and in a moment of panic, I calmly put her in her carseat- got in my car……and made sure to back over her #2

I always fail at laundry, so I’m constantly telling my Littles to find their cleanest dirty pair (pants, socks, shirt, etc…) and put that on 

Yesterday Grace walked upstairs after I asked her to get changed and she declared “Mom, I found my cleanest dirty pair!”

I was secretly upset at myself because once again I failed at having clean clothes for her, but mostly I was proud that she found her cleanest dirty pair and didn’t even bat an eye!!!

There was that time when the chicken got locked in the minivan over night… I think my husband described it as a poop explosion. We were late to church that day….

With 5 kids I forget things all the time, especially diapers! I was visiting a friends house and the kids were playing for a while when one of my kids told me Nora had a poopy diaper. I checked my purse for a diaper, none there. I went to my car to go find one, but came up empty. We decided the best thing was to grab a pair of underwear that belonged to my friends little boy and put a maxi pad in the underwear! That is what Nora wore for about and hour until we headed home!

Ummm… How about EVERY Sunday morning when I feed my kids their breakfast, strap on their shoes and do their hair all while sitting in the front row at church during worship. (This one is from my dear friend–in our church! Her husband leads worship and I love that she frees him up to serve, and sits beaming in the front row feeding her kids breakfast. 😉

I went to Church, so tired with a new baby, one of my friends was holding the baby for me, after the service I went home. I was home for about 15 min when I received a call from my friend. She asked me if I forgot something at the church. I looked around, nope, I have my purse etc. She said what about the baby!! She laughed, my daughter still reminds me, she is 29 now!

{Oh dear Mamas, I pray a little comic relief lightens your load today, and you know you are not alone. We are with you and God is with you on this mommy-hood adventure. Have a blessed weekend; thanks for reading.}

4 thoughts on “Mommy Fails: What our days are really like”

  1. Thank you for this post! I called myself a bad mother this morning, on the way to drive my son to school after missing the bus, which was partly my fault. I needed something to cheer me up. This post did it, I even laughed out loud. It is nice to know that I am not alone in this mommy world and we all have moments like this!

  2. Oh, these are so awesome. We all need to know that we mothers are more alike than different!! It is the hardest and most rewarding job in the world!

  3. What I love best about these Mommy moments is that they are so honest! I hate mommy confessionals that go “I let them have ice cream for dinner… but it was secretly made from organic kale!” or “I let them watch a whole HOUR of Tv so I could get dinner done!” I mean c’mon! Love that these feel more like my life.

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