Do not eat the bread of a man who is stingy, do not desire his delicacies, for he is like one who is inwardly calculating.

“Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.

—Proverbs. 23:6-7

There is profound relational wisdom wrapped up in this proverb, with a far wider reach than mere eating and drinking. We’ve probably all encountered those relationships that, although we can’t quite put our finger on it, there seems to be a hidden scorecard tucked away somewhere. Kindness seems silently documented, and generosity received makes you feel indebted somehow.

The truth is, it’s certainly not life-giving to be in relationship with someone who’s keeping a ledger of relational credits and debts. But as much as I’d love to focus on those people, the truth is, we all have a tendency to slip into a ledger lifestyle. Although we’ve not usually aware of it, when someone hurts us it is uncanny how quickly that ledger surfaces … suddenly we remember all the other things that person has done.

So how do we find freedom from this stingy-grace, from the ledger-lifestyle, and learn instead to keep no record of wrongs? Join me here for Episode 5…

About the Kari Patterson Podcast: We need wisdom, y’all. Like, yesterday. Right?! We need God’s perspective. We need His heart. We need joy, resilience, clarity, and conviction. Feeling this need, author Kari Patterson opens Scripture and shares candidly how God’s Word informs her daily life. Appropriate for all ages, relatable and refreshing, join Kari for conversations on responding to unkindness, emotional freedom, parenting dilemmas, self-pity, forgiveness, and more.

2 thoughts on “Letting go of the ledger-lifestyle {PODCAST}”

  1. Hi Mommy! Great podcast. Honored to join you for the evening of the recording. Plus, are you accepting requests or recommendations for your topics—or rather, for new features—? If so, I’d like to file a Personal Certified Listener or Supporter Request (PCLSR—Just made that up) for you to introduce a short feature to some effect of ‘Kari’s Encouragement Nugget.’ You could ‘slot’ certain parts, with the main podcast topic and description, but include a few ‘Bonus Content’ snippets of things that are encouraging, funny, or relatable. Another idea would be to let me intervene with the Weekly Ark News so that I could share about our animals for like two minutes.
    Just ideas.

  2. I tried to find your podcast on Castbox, but couldn’t…just wondering if there’s a reason for that.

    LOVE your podcast, though! Appreciate you sharing the wisdom God has given you.

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