Photo by Lacey Meyers

There are so many reasons not to do that thing. 

This is the way the inner-narrative runs. There’s the thing. That thing that you have to do, or are supposed to do, or are possibly supposed to do and that’s what you’re trying to figure out. And then, there’s that deep down no-way-around-it feeling that, you just don’t want to do it.

So what you do you do? Who do you talk to, to discern how to proceed? There are really only three options to consider.

  1. Talk to yourself.
  2. Talk to someone else.
  3. Talk to God.

Out on paper, it seems so simple, and we smile serenely and say of course #3. But the truth is, I almost always begin with #1. I think some people probably jump right to #2 (i.e. Crowd Sourcing on Facebook), but for me it’s a quieter poll:

I confer with me, myself, and I.

I make great points, you know, there inside my head. I am logical and thorough. I know my arguments inside and out. Astonishingly, I hear no counter-arguments. There’s no dissension whatsoever. We’re all in agreement and I win by a landslide. In fact, it’s a unanimous vote! All in favor say Aye! Hooray!

But then, the Spirit nags. Did I ask Him? Did I invite Him to my council-meeting?


I really should know better, by now. When I begin stacking up reasons for my own way, it’s usually a dead giveaway that I’m ignoring His nudges. [bctt tweet=”I find that following His leading frees me from building my case.”] Obeying His voice is always enough. I can usually leave my lists behind.

So I say fine. Yes, Lord. I will go your way.  I decide to do the thing, even if I don’t want to, and His joy becomes my strength and next thing I know I’m looking forward to this!

Then, strangest of strange, another curve ball comes.

Wait? I thought this was turn right, and now it’s a turn left, and did I hear wrong the first time or am I now veering off course? And this time, thankfully, I tune in to His whisper more quickly than before, and almost instantly realize the answer to both is, “No, child.” 

No, you didn’t hear wrong the first time.

No, you’re not veering off course.

I wanted you to choose right, because that was the only way to uproot the issue, the sin, in your heart. At that point, to go left would have been for your own selfish reasons, and that could never have been My best.

But now, you’ve chosen love, in order to go right. I’m so pleased. And now, in order to choose love, you need to go left. Both are obedience. Both are love. Both are denying yourself. Both are you choosing to submit your will, your heart, your life, to me.

That, dear daughter, was my plan all along.

This is what is so much better than right. The “right answer” will never give you rest. Arguments will never arrest your affections, your heart, and turn it to me. All your logic will never lead you to love. Listening will. Surrendering will. Worshipping will. 

And so, like Abraham, we listen on the first day and the third. We listen when he says, “Sacrifice your son,” and when he says, “Stay your hand.”

This is loving our Lord and letting Him lead. It’s so much better than right.

{How is He leading you now? Thanks for reading.}

One thought on “What’s so much better than right…”

  1. Kari ~ As I read this post, I literally said, “Ah!” aloud. Yes, follow Him… this way.. and then that. “Sacrifice your son” and “Stay your hand”… I’ve never thought of it before. So many things in our life seem so much clearer. ~ thank you for writing.

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