bury or drown beneath a huge mass.


I’m thankful. 

Because I have parents. They are alive. And as I click out these words they are snuggled up on the couch with my children.

I’m thankful.

Because I have water to drink. It’s clear. It’s safe. It perfectly satisfies my thirst and every morning I gulp it down and thank God for another day of life.

I’m thankful.

Because I have a bed. I find rest there. I am safe. I sleep without fear.

I’m thankful.

Because in the midst of life’s chaos there is peace. Unshakable, unchanging peace. There is an anchor for my soul.

I’m thankful.

Because my value, worth, and identity is not based on my performance, track record, or week’s resume. However I have triumphed or failed this week, how much I am loved remains the same.

I’m thankful.

Because His living Word is truly alive. And I can crawl inside its pages each morning and find truth, hope, peace, joy. I can go there to recalibrate. To find True North.

I’m thankful.

Because I belong to a body of Christ followers. A little ragtag bunch of believers who love each other fiercely and who remind me of grace and the gospel whenever I forget. Who serve selflessly and give endlessly and although we are all terribly defective, we belong to each other and shine lights on the beauty of Christ in each one.

I’m thankful.

Because I am free, in this country, to write, speak, and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ.

I’m thankful.

Because there are people around me who are so very different from me. Who inspire me, challenge me, question me, and encourage me. People who believe differently who are willing to love me anyway and willing to let me love them. There is infinite value in every single soul we meet. I’m thankful for them.

I’m thankful.

Because when I feel we are empty, lost, ruined, the Living God swoops in with His provision, protection, power. He does exceedingly abundantly more than we could imagine.

I’m thankful.

Because this fragile wisp of life is fleeting and yet forever. Life here so soon gone, life there eternal.

I’m thankful.

Because most of the things I get so wound up about don’t really matter. The slights, the inconveniences, the discomforts and irritations. A blink and they will be gone. People last forever. I’m thankful for a fresh reminder of this.

I’m thankful.

Because love changes everything. And every exhortation can be boiled down to this: Love one another.

I’m thankful.

Because the truth is, I am overwhelmed. I am buried alive under the huge mass of God’s amazing grace, the glorious gospel, that Jesus Christ conquered sin, death, and the grave, and sets us free to live for Him, in His love, by His power, receiving His provision, experiencing His love. Everything is grace. Everything is blessing. He is so good. And how often do I forget? How often do I complain? How often do I doubt?

OFTEN. Daily?

But there continues to be grace, and returning, and forgiving. And when I wander He draws me back. And when I stray He calls me home. And when I am bound by fear or hate or greed, He lures me back by His love.

This week, forget not all His benefits.  When we ever-remember them … we live overwhelmed

Bless the LORD, O my soul,

and forget not all His benefits.

Psalm 103:2

{Wanting to live overwhelmed, continually reminded of His glorious grace displayed in the gospel. Count, recount, remember, rejoice. This week, give thanks. Thanks for reading.}


3 thoughts on “Live Overwhelmed”

  1. True North! Yes this morning I was outside very very early (even earlier than we think early ha ha) observing the constellations desiring to memorize a few more in their location. I start with the North Star. It keeps me focused, it’s centers me so that I can find all the other constellations around me. It just make perfect sense to start with the Northstar and then branch out checking everything back against that pinpoint in the sky. Likewise yes, in our life with God in His word. North, true north. Yes and amen Kari.
    Missing you all. Thankful.

  2. I LOVE this post. You so beautifully put into words feelings of my heart. I too LOVE your parents AND you! Keep up the good work. Love,

  3. Lovely thoughts Kari….. Sometimes we can forget from whence our blessings come.I like the part that says even when we fail , we are loved.


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