Tonight at church Pastor Joel finished his One Month to Live series talking about Leaving Boldly.  The gist of it was understanding the kind of legacy we leave when we pass into eternity.

At one point he flashed different pictures of well-known people on the screen.  Oprah, Jerry Springer, Michael Jordan, OJ Simpson, Britney Spears, Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Bill Gates, Billy Graham, Michael Jackson.  In an instant one’s mind associates that person with something–excellence, hard work, faithfulness, scandal, crime, drugs, or just waste.  It is scary how easily we are “known for” one thing or another.

But tonight as I got ready for bed what struck me was that the enormity of such a thing as a legacy is really just determined by a million little things.  Michael Jordan’s legacy of basketball excellence didn’t come through one huge decision or act of bravery, it came through a million little choices, to work hard, defeat the odds, persevere.  Mother Teresa, as Joel pointed out, didn’t decide one day that she wanted to earn the Nobel Peace Prize, she got up every morning, prayed for an hour, read her Bible, and then loved on lepers and AIDS victims each day, made small choices and the occasional big one, to do little things each day to make a difference. 

The legacy I leave is decided in the small stuff. The way I spend my discretionary income and time, the way I treat the cashier at the store, the way I respond when Dutch throws a fit, the way I do or don’t turn to God when I’m discouraged.  The choice comes in getting up every day and deciding, “Will I live for my pleasure and comfort or will I live for the Kingdom of God, something far greater, which outlasts anything on earth?”  How I answer that question, a million times a day, will determine my legacy. 

Lastly, Joel pointed out how no one has to teach us to procrastinate.  We do that pretty naturally.  But the best time to live not for ourselves but for God’s glory, is now.  The best time to deny my own selfish desires for gain and temporary pleasure is now.  The best time to seek God’s heart is now. Nothing poured out at His feet is wasted. 

So tonight I’m just praying for God’s grace to follow Him in the million little things each day.  Father help my heart, my attitude, the details of life, to shine for You.  Help my life to display Your greatness, for others to see.  May my legacy be You, God.  For Your sake. Amen.

4 thoughts on “A Million Little Things”

  1. Ack! This was so good for me today! I won’t tell the whole story here, but something absolutely ridiculous happened to me today that made me SO MAD at the City & County of Honolulu. I was so angry my hands were shaking when I spoke with their representative on the phone. What happened is partially my own fault, partially theirs, and as I got off the phone I knew I could be gracious OR make a snotty comment. I chose to make a snotty comment! Agh! Then I got on my computer (hands still shaking in rage) and read this post. Conviction, conviction! My character is revealed by a million little things–like the way I choose to respond to a city who has royally messed something up. Better to politely accept the blame and get on with life…and then pray that my blood pressure returns to safe levels. Thanks for the gentle reminder Kari. 🙂

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