Our pastor’s is currently teaching on Restoring Christmas and last week’s message was the first point of the series: Worship More.  I have to say that Christmas is by far my favorite holiday.  Many people say that it’s ruined because of materialism and Santa Clauss (I don’t even know how to spell Claus(s)!), but I don’t agree.  Yes, it’s deteriorated beyond imagination, but every year, there is one thing that restores the entire season for me–Christmas Worship Music.  I’ve written before about Mercy Me’s Christmas CD.  Well yesterday as I drove to tutoring, I saw that Jeff had slipped a copy of that CD for me to listen to in the car.  I slid it into the CD player and turned up the volume. Within minutes I was in tears, raising my hands worshipping my Lord with all my heart.  Those age-old Christmas carols are powerful.  How often do we reflect on what they’re truly saying?  Every year I am astounded at the power of their words, at the greatness of our God. I feel like going up to every silly CHristmas shopper and saying, “Do you have any idea what you’re missing?!  There is so much more for you!”  So, today I’m just going to leave you with some of my favorite Christmas lyrics.  Reflect on these, sing these.  DOwnload some Christmas music, perhaps updated by your favorite band, and sing, really sing.  Listen, really listen.  Worship. Really worship.

From O Holy Night:

Chains shall he break for the slave is our brother,
and in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we;
Let all within us praise his holy name.
Christ is the lord, that ever, ever praise we.

From Hark the Herald Angels Sing:

veiled in flesh, the Godhead see
hail the incarnate Deity
pleased, as man with men to dwell
Jesus, our Immanuel!

Other ways to worship more:  Choose to slow down, plan less, shop less, spend less — and spend time being relational.  Posessions lose value over time.  Memories gain value over time. 

Let’s make our goal to worship God this Christmas–it is His birthday that we celebrate!

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