I will never cease to be amazed at how God orchestrates our lives so profoundly so that every little thing corresponds to what He’s teaching us. After contemplating competition all week, and after writing the LiveDifferent Challenge (read first), Jeff had an assignment he had to do prior to his Communications class, he had to watch a movie off a list of certain movies and do an exercise following. Well we will be busy Saturday and Sunday nights and his class starts on Monday…so even though I was falling asleep at 7pm and begging to just fall asleep when Dutch went to bed, it is now 11pm and guess what I’m doing? I’m writing because I have to…because I watched Cinderella Man. Wow. Could any movie better address these issues?! (I suggest renting it, but know that the boxing is brutal, so be ready to close your eyes)

Set in the Great Depression, I was brought to tears before the boxing even began. Realizing what people suffered through, and do continue to suffer through, always puts things in perspective. Oh Father, please help our hearts not be calloused to the suffering around us. As a Thinker who hates to cry, it’s easy to insulate myself from such suffering…I don’t like to bleed, but I’m asking God to make my heart bleed for people.

But the part that applies to our ongoing discussion about competition is this: James Braddock first fights for fun and for fame. Then the Crash happens, and four years into the Great Depression, he breaks his hand, he’s lost the electricity, and his family is in danger. So, he goes to work, doing grueling back-breaking labor with a broken hand. Later, when he has a rare chance to be let back in the ring, Braddock is a new man. He fights like a new man–with a passion and zeal that is new. Where before he had no “left”, he now can now dominate with a left hook. His trainer asks him what the difference is, he simply says, “On the docks I had to use my left hand.” On the docks. In the lowest point, the deepest suffering, when he was forced to work this labor to get milk for the kids, he developed the strength that turned around his career. How’s that for life application?! Oh Lord, give us that perspective!

But the real deal is this: When Braddock gets back in shape and begins to fight again, he’s in a press conference and a reporter asks him, “So why are you so much better now? What are you fighting for?” Braddock looks him in the eye and says, “Milk. I fight for milk.” Braddock knew what it was like to watch his children go hungry, and during the points in the fighting when he almost blacks out, he sees visions of his children, huddled in their home with no electricity. He visits “Hooverville”, where thousands of homeless people congregated in Central Park, NYC. He sees death, violence, panic, poverty, hunger. He fights for them. He fights to give them hope.

So I bring this all in because here is an example of a man fighting for good. For the survival of his children. I would say that for us, 9 times out of 10 our competition is probably prideful. We want to be the best, get the prize, win the argument. That, I maintain, is fleshly. But I’m adding the Part 2 to the LiveDifferent Challenge because “Be a Loser”, though an important part of the LiveDifferent equation, is only one half. Don’t just be a loser, be a loser to self, then fight with every ounce of your being for what is right. FIght for your marriage–Braddock’s wife’s commitment to him is an entire blog entry in itself so I’ll save it. Fight for your kids. Fight for justice. Fight for the unborn. Fight for the gospel. Not in an unchanneled, meaningless, vengeful sort of way, but in a faith-filled response to God’s Grace. Ask God what your cause is, even if it’s just something small like overcoming a bad habit in your life. Whatever it is, fight for it. Compete for it. Compete for something bigger than yourself. Even if it’s only milk.

2 thoughts on “LiveDifferent Challenge (11) Part 2 (!): Fight for Milk”

  1. Super cool, Kari. Very inspiring. I liked that movie too! By the way, Happy Birthday!! Just learned it was your birthday from your hubby’s blog. Hope you have a good one. God bless you.

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