Nuts & Bolts about our trip

As I type this we’re 8,331 miles into our road trip — near the end! We’re on a long driving day through Montana, and at the moment everyone is fed and contented so figured I’d share a few details about this trip. A few of you had asked for this as you plan your own […]


I wanted another happy day. After such a hard month, we’d finally had such a sweet day out in the sunshine, getting dirty gathering debris, Dad and me and kids and neighbors all together. No one had to say anything about the sadness. We knew it was there, and we also knew that it was […]

My grand vision of what we need most

Next month I get to co-facilitate the Women’s Ministry Roundtable sessions at the Harbor Network Leaders’ Summit in Louisville, Kentucky. Praying and preparing for this has had me thinking back through the 20 years I’ve been leading women in various ministry roles (Oh to go back and handle some things differently!), and also looking forward […]

Stillness, when the world is raging

The temperature is perfect, I’m settled into an Adirondack chair, wind chimes gently tinkling, the trees around the deck swaying softly in the warm breeze, leaves rustling ever so slightly. It’s Sabbath. All the housemates are gone. Jeff and Dutch are gone. Ben is asleep. Justice is settled in his own child-size Adirondack chair, watching […]

How is this God’s will? {PODCAST}

We know that death and disease are not God’s will, He doesn’t delight in those things, but of course we see God working good through crises of all kinds, every single day. So how do we resist evil but not resist the good God is doing? How do we “go the second mile” but still abhor evil the way God does? I usually figure it’s best to answer Scripture’s questions with Scripture. In this case, 1 Peter 4:19 provides us a powerful 3-point outline of how we are to respond to the inevitable evil, unfairness, and even suffering that we encounter in this world. God’s Word gives us exactly what we need!

Don’t Be Duped {PODCAST}

Scammed. Tricked. Duped. No one wants that, right? But sadly, this happens all the time, to us, when we’re ignorant of what’s really going on around us. Every time we allow our anger to rest on a person and focus on what he or she has done, we lose sight of the actual enemy and miss an opportunity to overcome evil with good.