Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.

1 Peter 4:19

So how do we do this? How do we navigate our interactions with a broken, fallen world? Early on the pandemic (a year ago!) I remember hearing a lot of discussion about “Is this ‘from God’?” Or not?

We know that death and disease are not God’s will, He doesn’t delight in those things, but of course we see God working good through crises of all kinds, every single day. So how do we resist evil but not resist the good God is doing? How do we “go the second mile” but still abhor evil the way God does?

I usually figure it’s best to answer Scripture’s questions with Scripture. In this case, 1 Peter 4:19 provides us a powerful 3-point outline of how we are to respond to the inevitable evil, unfairness, and even suffering that we encounter in this world. God’s Word gives us exactly what we need!

Join me for Episode 29 as we talk about suffering according to God’s will. We know evil is not God’s will but our encounter with it can be when we allow Him to work redemption through our submission to Him. All can be redeemed for good! Such HOPE we have!

About the Kari Patterson Podcast: We need wisdom, y’all. Like, yesterday. Right?! We need God’s perspective. We need His heart. We need joy, resilience, clarity, and conviction. Feeling this need, author Kari Patterson opens Scripture and shares candidly how God’s Word informs her daily life. Appropriate for all ages, relatable and refreshing, join Kari for conversations on responding to unkindness, emotional freedom, parenting dilemmas, self-pity, forgiveness, and more. (Available most of the places you enjoy podcasts, including those with links above.)

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