Ahh…Heidi-bug.  Today you are two bright and beautiful years old.  I have often reflected that had I known what you would be like we would have named you Heidi Joy.  Because that is exactly what you are. You are joy in gold shoes.  You are joy with bunny teeth. You are joy with a liquid laugh that melts over me and warms my soul. You are joy with apple-breath and wide-eyed wonderment.  You are joy with bouncing brown curls as you run across the room waving your arms up and down in uninhibited glee.  You are silly joy, goofy joy, utterly ridiculous joy, as you stand on your head or spin in circles or shake your head laughing until you fall down. You are, quite frankly, a riot.

And I love you.

I believe and pray that Dutch’s life verse is Romans 12:11, “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serving the LORD.”  And I believe and pray that your life verse immediately follows in verse 12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

I believe you are called to be Joyful, Patient, and Prayerful.  The first one seems to be hard-wired in your happy little soul, but I pray that God would graciously cultivate the last two in you as you grow with Him.  A cheerful, patient and prayerful woman is a blessing to the world and a mighty force to be reckoned with.

I believe you will be both.

I recently went to a parenting workshop, my dear girl, while you were with Oma and Papa. I was encouraged to write out goals for you, hopes for you, my desire for what you would become.  And I did.  So though you are likely not as interested in these as you are in your new babydoll, I share them with you today.  I pray them over you, ask God to instill them in you, and I share this with my little world that I may be accountable to training you in these ways.  I love you so much there’s nothing else I’d rather do, babygirl.  I pray you will grow to be:

  • Calm. This may not seem like the list-topper of an attribute, but a calm woman who keeps far from drama is a blessing indeed.  I pray that you will be able to minister to others, remain hopeful and steadfast in every circumstance.  I pray you will not be easily angered or upset, but steady and calm.  May you bring peace into every environment.
  • Cheerful & Thankful.  I pray you will be a woman who is thankful for everything (1 Thess 5:18).  I pray that each and every day those in your sphere will find you a cheerful woman. I pray that you will know the secret of contentment, whether in plenty or in need–a thankful heart.  May your countenance always be pleasant, and may you bring joy into every environment.
  • Modest & Gracious. I cannot lie, my love–you have the most beautiful face I have ever seen. (But I’m biased)  I am afraid that you might be in for a life of compliments.  It scares me.  I pray with every ounce of my being that you will be a modest and gracious woman.  Everything you have is a gift from God, offer it all back up as a sacrifice of praise. God will use all that He has given you for His glory. Remember Whose you are.  Remember Who is the King of Kings and the LORD of Lords. Remember our beautiful Savior. And bow daily at His feet. Remember grace.  Let Your life be all for His glory.

I pray that God will make you, Heidi-boo, a blessing to the nations.  I pray that you would be so wrapped up in His beautiful Story that you couldn’t help but jump right in and spread His word.  And for now, while you’re still so sweet and little I can hold you in my lap, I pray you continue your infectious laugh that can fill an entire room with glorious mirth. I pray you stay your silly self, your riot self. I pray you continue to dance and twirl and scrub floors hardly taking a breath in between.  I pray you are a blessing to all you meet.  For His wondrous name.  I love you babygirl.  Happy birthday.


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