A couple weeks ago we looked at why God likes the long way. Did I mention He likes corners too?  Yes, we’re past Exodus in our Bible reading, but had to share a quick thought before moving on… Exodus 14 shows us the interesting way that God leads His people:

“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Baal-zephon; you shall encamp facing it, by the sea” (vv1-2).

First off, God tells them to turn around and go back.  Oops, did God make a mistake?  Of course not. His route is lovingly circuitous, right?  He’s training them…will they listen?

I often ask Dutch & Heidi to do ridiculous things at home, what we call “practice.”  Dutch will be coloring and I’ll say, “go run and touch the front door and come back!” in a cheerful voice.  There’s no purpose to it other than to train him to listen attentively to my voice–which is a wonderful purpose indeed!

So God tells them to turn around, they need practice at carefully obeying the voice of the LORD because they are about to take a HUGE step of faith, right?  Little do they know what they’ll be doing tomorrow!

So they turn back and God tells them exactly where to camp. Not just a general area, they are to camp right by the sea. And not just by the sea, but in a spot that corners them by the sea.  They are to face the sea. To look straight into an impasse. Then what happens?

God brings Pharaoh.  And six-hundred of his chosen chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them.  They all came out.

So, because of carefully listening to the voice of the LORD, the children of Israel are stuck.  Cornered.  Up against the sea with thousands of Pharaoh’s guys coming after them. And the result?

“They feared greatly.” (v.10)

No kidding!  They were scared out of their wits!  They instantly cry out to God and lament, “Is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us out to die in the wilderness?”  No more are they thankful for the miraculous deliverance in the Passover. And understandably. They have been led into a corner and are facing certain death.

But of course we all know what happens. God parts the Red Sea, all the nation of Israel is saved, and all of Pharaoh’s army and chariots are swallowed up in the sea and lost.  In one fell swoop God fights the entire battle for them. And all they had to do was walk.

What’s the point?  Well, for today the lesson for me is simply that God does indeed lead us into corners. He, wanting us to be successful in our faith, leads us into circumstances where the only way out is God. There is nowhere to run, hide, fight.  We’re stuck in a corner against the Red Sea. And that is where He loves to flex His muscles, doing what only the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords can do. Since He created that sea by a simple word, He is able to part it rather effortlessly.

What corner are we facing today?  Is there a circumstance that seems hopeless. A situation where we have no options.  Or our options have run out. Where we throw our hands in the air and say, “I give up!” That’s great.  Look up.

Chances are the waters are just about to part.

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