When tragedy strikes, it’s amazing all the things we don’t care about anymore.

Every time I read my friend Shawna’s blog, I am reminded of what really matters. I’m reminded that a spotless kitchen isn’t that big of a deal. That even if there are crumbs in my car, life will go on. That if I never fit into my favorite skinny jeans, who cares?! That if my food isn’t organic or even if it comes from more than 150 miles away sometimes (just sometimes!), it really will be ok. I’m smiling, I promise. I just mean that facing life and death issues makes everything else fade away a little bit, huh?

That’s what I’ve been experiencing lately. Not that we’re facing any tragedy, but as we’re pouring our hearts into this church plant, into really praying and seeking God for the people of south Portland to be freed from the slavery of sin and to be set free to know and follow the Good King Jesus, it’s amazing what doesn’t seem to matter anymore.

So as I look through the list of 52 bites I’m having a hard time getting motivated to chew any more. They are great things, don’t get me wrong (and I love Tsh Oxenreider!), but of all the ones that are left, that we haven’t tackled yet, only one really stands out to me:

#31. Give.

We could take this bite every day for the rest of the year and still just barely whet our appetites for how wonderful giving truly is. So, next week we’re going to devote our entire week to thoughts and discussions on giving. Please join us, and spread the word! Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive.  So let’s grow in giving … and in being blessed. 

For now, spend some time praying that God would prepare your heart to grow in this area–that you would give regularly, generously, and cheerfully.  That He would prepare you and me and open your eyes to areas He wants us to share. It might not just be finances, but also your time, your words, your skills. Then, take a leap of faith and give something this weekend. We were showered this week by generous givers–from taking our kids for a few hours so we could have a date, to an afternoon boat ride, to fresh produce, to loads of leftover yummy food, to a food dehydrator, to a free tank of gas. The giving thing is fun but the receiving part is fun too! 🙂

Lastly, would you give me your prayers? I am teaching a women’s retreat this weekend and would so appreciate your prayer! Thank you so much for journeying along with me, caring and giving your time and energy to growing alongside. Have a blessed weekend and thanks for reading!

4 thoughts on “#31 GIVE {52 bites}”

  1. Thank you for posting this! I have been feeling torn about whether or not to buy my niece some new clothes. Her parents have hit kind of a hard time right now and could really use the help. But I worry because we don’t have tons of extra money. My husband works like a crazy person to provide for our family and God has truly blessed us with all that we need, including tons of hand me town clothes for my son from friends. I have been praying about whether it would be wise for me to spend the $20 and get her some new stuff so she can finish out summer (We’re in SoCal and it’s still 100 degrees everyday!). Again, thank you for this post, I’m gonna head to Target now and grab a few things. Bless you! 🙂

  2. I can sense a bit of weariness in this post. Yes, you are certainly going through a life-altering time of your own. Bless you, Sweet Girl! Although you will be working this weekend, I pray that it will be a time of refreshment. Maybe you can slip of by yourself for a little bit – God will meet you for a hug! I love you!

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