This past Tuesday marked the end of our busy season. You know, the season where you just focus on keeping everyone fed, clothed, and reasonably content, without much thought to organization, creativity, and goal-setting. That was pretty much our season since September 18th when our house sold and we entered a wonderful but indeed full season of moving and ministry. But we have purposefully slated our summer for family, recreation, and rest and we are so excited for it!

Now that my brain is a little less cluttered my house can follow suit. We have indeed been purging, organizing, de-cluttering everything from Jeff’s office at church to the kids’ toys to my clothes closet. It feels so good!

Thankfully, there is one area that remains reasonably under control and that is paper. I’m ruthless. Tsh encourages us to take this bite and streamline our mail so we’re not swallowed whole.  Here are my two favorite ways:

Automatic Bill-Pay/Paperless bills::

Hopefully by now we are all doing this, right? It makes life so much easier! All of our donations (except tithe) are automatic deductions, as well as our savings transfer, Roth IRA, utilities, and bills. I love that at this point the only thing I have to remember is to pay rent on the 1st. That’s it. Beautiful. This also means that not much mail comes to our door. We’ve opted for paperless, and I love that you can look up statements online anytime you wish. If you haven’t done this yet, take the time and sign-up and simplify your life!

Open the mail outside::

After the kids and I walk to the mailbox we walk straight into the carport, to the recycling bin, and toss almost everything straight inside. Junk mail isn’t allowed in the door and I don’t need catalogs laying around telling me about all the things I need (ok, occasionally I allow Anthroplogie in … it inspires me to take old things and make them look cool).  Anything worthwhile is taken out of the envelope and the envelope goes straight into the recycling. That way the only things allowed inside are the actual bill/correspondence/item of importance that requires attention or filing.

This, streamlining the mail, is really a rather small and insignificant item in the grand scheme of things. Since this week’s bite is fairly simple, consider re-visiting some of the other bites you haven’t tackled yet … For example:

Create a Family Purpose Statement (my personal favorite)

Make a Debt-Free Plan 

Establish Your Morning Routine

{I pray your Memorial Day weekend can be restful and restorative, wherever you are and whatever you do. Thank you so much for faithfully reading and traveling this sacred mundane road along with me. You’re a gift! }

*How’s the One Another Challenge going? Are you showing equal concern for friendships today? I pray God is meeting you as you choose His way!

2 thoughts on “#8 Streamline your mail {52 bites}”

  1. I hear you with the paper. However, the other dilema I have going paperless is trying to keep track of all those online account usernames and passwords – YIKES! I already have enough between work and blogging. I will get there some day soon. Have a Great Weekend – thanks for sharing!

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