
…ALL of us because we are LOVED and have been adopted by the Father and chosen before the foundation of the world to be His beloved children.

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. (Eph. 1:5)

You, beloved, were adopted by God because it’s what He wanted to do, and because it gave Him great pleasure!  You are a delight to God! Hallelujah! Believe that and receive that today!

And, below are those who were chosen to receive the free copies of Richard Stearns new book, Unfinished. (Also, check out the DVD series that accompanies it!)

To you dear commenters, thank you for your kindness, and I wish I could send every single one of you a book (and I might, I just need to save up more money! It might help if I quit giving my e-books away free–ha!), but for now the winners are:

  1. Joy
  2. Brenda T
  3. Erin Heins
  4. Linda Bossle
  5. Amy Boone
  6. Susan T
  7. Catie

How here’s what I need you folks to do: HERE please send me your name and mailing address so I can send you your book right away. (If you don’t send your address I can’t send the book!)

I pray you all have a blessed Sunday, seeking God and enjoying His people. We are being SO incredibly blessed by the DHS foster/adoption training this weekend. I had no idea how rich this time would be — I love it! Bless you, friends, and may you know His love more than ever before. May it change you from the inside out. Thanks so much for reading.


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