It’s 7am, Jeff is at work, the kids are asleep and in the sacred silence of my morning I just turned the final page of Stepping up: A journey through the Psalms of Ascent by Beth Moore.  My eyes were brim full of tears reading the final page, and reflecting on what God has done just in the short seven weeks of this study.  Three things came to mind that I’d love to share:

1. Never turn down an opportunity to learn God’s Word.

Friends, God’s Word changes lives. It always accomplishes that which God intends.  We won’t always be in seasons where we’re in “Bible study” but we should always be in a season where we’re regularly, methodically, purposefully getting God’s Word into our lives. Where we’re hiding in our hearts, getting it in our heads, sowing it in our daily life.  We don’t have to have workbooks or an organized class or a complicated plan–the right type of Bible study is the one that gets more of Him into more of you. I pray we’d grow to love it, crave it, thirst for it each and every day.

2. Never turn up your nose at the vehicle.

I confess, friends–I don’t like fill-in-the-blanks. I like to run around a little bit in my Bible and not have someone hold my hand through the process. BUT, I cannot tell you how I have been blessed by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Kay Arthur, Linda Dillow, Cynthia Heald, and other Bible study teachers and authors through the years who have done just that–held my hand and slowly walked through portions of God’s Word. I still love to do my own thing, but I appreciate so much their wisdom, study, and willingness to share with women like me.

And here’s my conviction: We can learn from anybody. If we go to a service or Bible study or Sunday school class (where the Bible is taught) and we come away saying, “I didn’t get anything out of it,” I humbly and respectfully say that the fault is ours. Even erroneous teachers can teach us something about discernment. (Discerning that they’re wrong!) But for the most part, even those studies or teachers which we may not prefer can teach us valuable lessons because God’s Word is always living and active. Of the six churches Jeff & I have been a part of, and the many many lessons and studies and classes, there’s always something to glean if we ask God. I’m thankful God kicked me in the backside about my attitude toward certain Bible teachers and sat me down a little lower so I could receive from them.

3. Never give up meeting together.

Although I do look forward to the “breaks” in our Bible studies because I love having the freedom to have more of my own study time, I will say that if it weren’t for the accountability and encouragement of meeting together, I would never be challenged to do and keep up in the same way. Knowing we’re going to discuss each week’s study is a good motivator! And especially knowing I have to lead the discussion is a really good motivator! I had undervalued this key aspect in years past, and I am so thankful now to be part of a group of women who regularly study the Bible together.

That said, you don’t have to meet with other women in order to meet together. Together can be with whoever God has placed you with in this season. Together with your husband, together with your kids, together with your community group. Whoever the “together” is, get together! When we center our fellowship on the rock of God’s Word we find that our relationships take on a deepness and significance they otherwise would not have. So thankful.

Where to start? Join a group, buy a study, check out a book and get together with one person to do it together.  But never turn down an opportunity to learn God’s Word, never turn up your nose at a certain Bible teacher or vehicle, and never give up meeting together with those dear fellow pilgrims in Christ.  In His Word together was where we were meant to be.

Thanks to you for doing this thing together with me, and thanks, as always, for reading.

4 thoughts on “Never Stop Stepping Up”

  1. “Together can be whoever God has placed you with in this season.” …love this Kari! And probably the most ‘together’ hours are with our children :). i’ve used many car rides to teach our children verses i’ve memorized.

    Never cease to be blessed that even if what i’m hearing/reading/studying doesn’t seem to pertain at the moment, God always reminds me when i need it most!!! Jesus’ life remains!

  2. Bible Study, Study Bible. Fill in the blank or not? A book, a group, one on one? AHHHHHH so many options. Wow isn’t that amazing all the options??!!!

    I do like the three points you used. Never turn down an opportunity, never turn up the nose at the vehicle and never give up meeting with others. IT is God’s word and we can be assured He speaks through it no matter who, what, where, why, when or HOW! (thx Kay Arthur:)

    SO thankful for Stepping Up and the great new view into the deepest well there is. His Word. Always fresh, always new. Thanks for your part in leading Kari!

    1. Seriously, weren’t we so blessed in this Bible study? Excited for the summer too. Love you, friend!

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