Well, nothing like cramming in 22 chapters of Revelation on the last 2 days of the year.  But even if it was a quick read, I’m sure thankful that the end is secure–Jesus is coming back! He will make all things new and wipe every tear from our eyes.  We have a hope and a future and can rest secure.

And now, back to Genesis!  If any of you are game, I’d love for you to join me this year reading through the Bible. It only takes 4 chapters a day, and I’m hoping that by journalling/writing a bit more on my daily Bible reading that it will help me be consistent and I won’t have to cram in all of Revelation before heading out the door to a New Year’s Eve party.  Just 4 chapters a day — will you join me?

So, Genesis. What stood out to me from chapter 3 were the first few words of Satan’s initial temptation.

He begins by saying, “Did God really say?…” I’ve thought often of how this is such clear example of Satan twisting God’s words, using half-truths to get us off track, to paint God in a bad light and make us believe He is not looking out for our good.

But here’s another consideration.

Time lapse.

We have no idea how much time goes by from Genesis 2:25–Adam and Even chillin’ naked in the garden–to Genesis 3:1 with Satan on the scene.  Probably not too long since they didn’t have any kids yet and I’m guessing that two naked people in a garden all by themselves are probably going to get some kids pretty quick. But, it could have been some length of time. Even just a couple months.

Long enough for one’s memory to become blurry.

Sometimes I wonder if Satan can use this tactic on us, not to make us question something we see clearly in scripture, but perhaps make us doubt a conviction that we previously held.  Often we are convicted or convinced or challenged by the Lord to do something.  We follow through, for awhile. But then things get tough, or a temptation or challenge arises.  And I know that all too often I find myself thinking, “Did God really say?…”  Was I really sure about that conviction or that thing I felt called to do? Perhaps it was just an emotional high… perhaps it was just for that season. Perhaps I don’t really need to follow through on that now.  Did God really say I needed to do that?

The first lesson of course is to be careful what we commit to, but I think the Genesis lesson for me today is to be careful, oh so careful, not to let a time lapse make my memory of God’s prompting fade, leaving room for the enemy to tempt me into forgetting my conviction.

What a great lesson at the onset of a New Year. A great reminder as I pray about New Year’s goals. We must be so careful to set godly goals and know what His Word tell us to pursue.  That way we can write it in stone and know what when we are tempted to think, “Did God really want me to do that? Did He really challenge me to follow through with that?” we can hopefully, be grace, refuse the temptation and remain faithful to whatever our God has called us to do.

In a world of hasty vows and rash commitments, I pray that God helps us to take His Word seriously, to wait on Him, and to ask Him for our marching orders each day, each year.  Then when we here a soft whisper say, “Did God really say?” We can answer emphatically, YES!

What things is God clearly calling you to in 2011? How will you remain faithful to those things in the face of temptation?

One thought on “Did God Really Say?”

  1. Thank You for posting this today! I was just going back to your blog recalling that you did this “Bible Challenge” last year and was wondering how many chapters a day to read when I saw your post! Yes, I will join you in doing this. I NEED to do this. So here is to the new year and reading His word. And I am looking forward to your posts to help me keep on track:-)

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