Whether habits are planned and created conscientiously, or allowed to be haphazardly filled in by chance, they are habits all the same. Habit rules ninety-nine percent of everything we do.”-Charlotte Mason

Whether it’s reaching for a cigarette, your phone, or a sip of your water bottle, chances are you do it by habit. Not sure where Charlotte Mason got her 99% figure, but it can’t be far off. We are creatures of habit.

For me, establishing habits is far more effective than setting goals. I used to set goals every year, now I just focus on habits, recognizing that goals often reach themselves once habits are in place. Of course goals have their place too, but habits have been far more effective for me in terms of creating real change over the long haul. So here are a few of my favs:

1. Four chapters a day.

I’m starting my 22nd time reading through the Bible. More than any other habit, reading through the Bible every year has, without a doubt, most shaped and impacted my life for good. I was thanking God this morning for graciously allowing me to do this every year, and asking Him to allow me many, many more. My life, mind, and eyesight are in his hands. There are those who cannot read, who do not have God’s Word, or who are not able, and I’m so grateful for the privilege! It takes about 20 minutes a day to read 3 OT and 1 NT chapter, and that’ll get you through in less than a year.

2. Early bedtime.

I know, I know, I sound like such an old lady. But I’ve found that the quality of my day is often determined the night before my day. Inadequate or impaired sleep can contribute to heart disease, weight gain, diabetes, tumor growth, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s–a whole host of maladies not to mention just general grumpiness! In fact, memory impairment can take place after just one night of impaired sleep (4-6 hours).

Of course your own sleep patterns are your business, but I know my body functions best simply following the early to bed, early to rise adage. Traditional medicine and modern sleep science backs this up, recommending about 9pm-5am as the best time for your body to repair, detox, and replenish. Plus, getting to bed early ensures time with your spouse, if you’re married, or time to wind down with a good read. Skip screens entirely!

3. Gobs of greens.

I’ve always been fascinated by nutrition, and God’s design for healing and health as found in the foods He’s provided. But this past year I began a habit that’s been enormously helpful in helping get those God-given nutrients into my body like never before. I started making 8-10 salads once a week, so that each day I can just grab a nutrient-packed meal without a second of prep. That and we stick PowerGreens in everything, and I enjoy a Suja mixed with Amazing Grass as well. Although I enjoy veggies at every meal, I love knowing that at least one meal is power-packed with healthy nutrients, probably a whole day’s worth of veggies, so that no matter what else happens that day, I’ve given my body some great fuel. No matter what diet you follow, everyone agrees–gobs of greens are good for you!

4. Walk and water.

Ok, sneaking two in here, but these are no-brainers. Exercise and water!

Argh…my browser just crashed and I lost the rest of this post and my free window of time is over because buddy’s naptime is up. Oh well! Sorry there’s no photo, my computer isn’t working to upload a photo either. Interestingly, the last point was:

5. Cut complaining completely.

There are lots of ways to grow in gratitude and become a more joyful, peaceful, more content person, but to me these two scriptures make it cuper clear: “Do everything without complaining” (Phil. 2:14) and “In everything be thankful” (1 Thess 5:18). I am THANKFUL that I have a computer, even though it crashed and I lost my work and I can’t get an image to load.

And I’m THANKFUL that I have a toddler, even though it means no free time to write.

I’m THANKFUL you are still tracking with me. And I’d love to hear YOUR favorite habits that have most impacted your life. PLEASE SHARE! Thanks so much, gotta run!

4 thoughts on “Five habits that have most impacted my life”

  1. Hi! My goal is to eat better in the New Year, more veggies and less sugar. Can you tell me more about PowerGreens and Amazing Grass. How do you use it and where do you buy it?

    1. Good for you!! My fav place for an abundance of greens is Costco–they have the bags of PowerGreens, plus 1 lbs. containers of organic spinach, mixed baby greens, and a great deal on organic romaine hearts. They also have pre-chopped broccoli (yes!), 10# bags of carrots, and great deals on avocados, onions, garlic. They also have the Suja green juice, chia seeds and hemp seeds, plus organic meat at a good price. That’s where I do most of my shopping. The Amazing Grass (berry flavor) powder can be found on Amazon. I mix the Amazing grass and Suja together, but you can just mix Amazing grass with water. Cheering you on!!

  2. Love “habits have been far more effective for me in terms of creating real change over the long haul” so true. Happy new decade and fresh starts.

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