At our Christmas Eve service, later tonight, Dutch will have the joy of making his first monetary deposit in God’s Kingdom. Yes, his first tithe!  Though we’ve talked about money before, he hadn’t really been ready to grasp the different concepts until now, and for Dutch’s 4th birthday his great-grandma sent him a birthday card with 4 one-dollar bills inside.  Perfect!  Yesterday at breakfast we laid out the 4 bills in front of him and explained that he had been given the money as a gift.  He understands the concept of buying things at the store, etc. so we explained that this money was his and we were going to practice what to do with it (give first, save second, then spend).  We laid out the 4 bills. “Now, Dutch which of these would you like to give to God?”  He picked one (perfect! We’ve got him tithing 25% right off the bat! Makes it easy to be generous when there’s no denomination smaller than 25% of the total :)).  Then we asked which one would he like to save. He picked another.  Then we explained that he got to keep the other 2 dollars and that we were going to the store and he could pick anything he wanted (gotta love the Dollar Store!). But, we also pointed out that Sister, his neighbor (who was sitting right next to him), didn’t have any dollars, so perhaps he could choose to use $1 for himself and use the other $1 to share and buy a gift for sister. He thought that sounded good.

That afternoon we made our big trip.  Can I just say he was the cutest “big boy” in the whole world, with his $2 tucked into his jeans pocket, marching into the Dollar Tree like someone had handed him the world.  After searching for a looong time he settled on a matchbox garbage truck.  Then he said he wanted to get something for sister.

“Now what do you think sister would like?” I asked, holding up some playdough and eyeing some little toy dolls.

“She would like this car,” he held up another matchbox car. “She really likes cars.”   Hmm… 🙂  Ok, well we will deal with the gift-giving lesson on another day, I’m just excited that he’s willing to share!  So we march to the register, and he stands tall and hands the two cars and then hands over his $2 bills to the checker just as confident as can be, and we marched out of that store. He was on cloud nine.  We ran to the car and Dutch handed sister her new car (and she actually loved it, so hey, maybe he does know her taste!).

I know this little lesson isn’t unique–probably all you moms out there have had similar precious moments with your youngsters teaching them about money. But I’m just so excited for Dutch to enter the joy of learning to be generous.  I have so much to learn and I’m sure he’ll teach me a thing or two. This morning during my quiet time I read 1 Timothy 6:17-19:

“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy (like matchbox cars!).  They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.”

So often I fall into the trap of believing that “that which is truly life” is having the perfect place to live, having just the right clothes or furnishings or even finding the coolest Christmas card or the best gifts to give to others.  But once again God reminds us that we take hold of that which is truly life when we let go and simply enjoy all that God has already given us, and when we are generous and ready to share.  Tonight and tomorrow we celebrate the most generous act in the history of the world–the giving of One’s own Son. The Ultimate gift.  Oh come let us adore Him!

And, whatever is under the tree with your name on it, I pray that you enjoy it with the same delight that Dutch has for his little matchbox garbage truck. Merry Christmas.

*Dutch and Heidi putting Dutch’s change (from previous birthdays that we’d kept until now), into his dinosaur bank.

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