I sit in front of my excel spreadsheet, moving imaginary money. It’s just numbers, really.  I can take from one little box and put in another.  I’m tired of pinching pennies on groceries, wouldn’t it be easy to just move a little down from that top box?

That giving box.

That box has plenty.

I can just move a  little down from that box. Then I won’t need to say no to myself. I won’t have to wait until the 15th this month to get groceries. I won’t have to get creative. It’s so much easier to go to the store than it is to be creative.

Just move some imaginary money.

Why not?

Here’s the reason why:

Light the Streets from Africa New Life Ministries on Vimeo.

What you do matters. We won’t take our roasted chicken into eternity, and we won’t get any crowns for eating beans. But we have an opportunity today to offer up our praise and our pennies in a way that changes lives. Most of all ours.

Happy Friday, friends.

By grace, with joy,


Light The Streets

One thought on “Frugal Friday: The Reason Why”

  1. Kari-
    Thank you for all that you are doing for others! May God bless you, and your family abundantly for all your sacrifice!
    Love you!

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