That delusional optimism thing, maybe that’s why it’s so discouraging when God starts exposing the sin in my heart.

That’s in there?


So much work to be done.

You may have picked up on it; I’ve just been in a season of … Well, there’s so many names for it. Pruning, discipline, conviction — HOPELESS DISCOURAGEMENT. No, no, not really, but it hasn’t been that fun. God in His infinite wisdom has graciously led me in a time of testing and conviction. Seriously, it can feel overwhelming, realizing that basically every single area of my life is somehow tainted by sin. Maybe not things like theft or lying, but self-seeking. Subtle self-seeking is the sin that pollutes all. And I can see it everywhere; it can feel overwhelming.

But that filthy cabin where we spent last week; it spoke to me. It’s always the mundane where God’s voice rings more clear for me, and as we settled into our humble home for a few days, one thought kept filling my mind:

This place has so much potential!

Really, even though it was filthy, poorly stocked, most everything was broken, and it stunk to high heaven because of the sulfur water.  As I looked around, I kept thinking,

“Oh, what I could do with this place!”

I told Jeff,

“I could take $250 and transform this whole place.”

And I know they had that much because that’s what we paid to stay there! But apparently they weren’t interested.

The whole place spoke loud and clear, “No one cares.”

No one cares about the broken lights and broken heater, no one cares about the filthiness, no one cares about the lack of supplies, the smell. No one really cares. It was a picture of neglect. 

But I cared! I was the one staying there and I saw the river right outside and the breathtaking views and abundant wildlife and saw so much potential for glory.

It just needed a little work.

So I made a list. A detailed list of the simple items that needed repair, and ways it could easily be made more accommodating for future guests. I wasn’t angry about the condition of the cabin, I just knew it could be so much more. I wanted to show the owner, “Look here, here are the things–simple things–that could make your cabin so much more. This could turn your cabin from dump to a dream!”

I wanted to help. Sure, I could have just written a scathing review online. I could have ridiculed and torn them to pieces on Expedia. And yes, I will write out some helpful “hints” for future visitors (“Bring blankets and bottled water!”), but more than anything I wanted this place to be wonderful.

I wanted to help.


So I took the owner the list. I wrote across the top, “Your cabin could be great!” 

Isn’t that God’s heart toward us?!  Can we just be so honest as to acknowledge: We are the dumpy cabin. We have brokenness everywhere. Things aren’t functioning the way they were created to function. There’s a smell. It’s awful. We’re lacking so many of the basic things that would make us delightful. We post pictures of ourselves that portray one image, but the real deal is quite a bit dirtier and a lot more disappointing.

(Isn’t this an inspiring Monday post? 🙂

But if we’d just acknowledge this, God is graciously waiting to show us the simple things that would help us be what He created us to be. We have unbelievable potential. We could be so much more. He’s given us His image, His life and breath, His gifts and talents, He’s poured out His Spirit into us.

We are made in His image! We have hope!

But do we care? Will be look at the list He gives us in His Word, and will we take it seriously? Will we let Him make the repairs? Will we let Him clean out the filth and mold? Will we let Him throw out the grimy things we keep clinging to?

And will be believe that He’s showing us these things because He loves us? Because He cares enough to fix us up, and not neglect the work of His hands. We are His creation, loved beyond our wildest imagination. His heart toward us is beyond our comprehension.

There is hope.

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. (Ps. 138:8)

{Thank you for reading.}

PS The owner was actually super kind and grateful for the list. I have hope 😉 he will act on them!

2 thoughts on “How not to lose hope”

  1. Thank you for your transparency! I’ve been in a similar season. This is encouraging. ?❤

  2. (Sorry just catching up on a bunch of your posts as we’ve been traveling and haven’t been online much.) This made me smile–I would so have done the list thing–love your encouraging optimism! But a perfect mundane picture–again–of how God wants to work in our lives. I do kinda wish He’d give me a prioritized list sometimes, as right now I feel about as shabby and depressing as the place you’ve described–or worse! And I have a hard time feeling hopeful of moving forward in any direction because it all screams “help needed! repairs wanted!” at once! Oy.

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