Hey Sacred Mundane family,

I’ve been hit with a cold, and I’m taking off in a few hours to speak at a women’s retreat, so I apologize for no scheduled post today but I’ve been snuggling with the Littles, sleeping, making ahead meals, and drinking OJ like nobody’s business.

But I thought it’d be fun to step away from the scheduled posts and just say, Hi.


And, Thanks. Thanks for visiting this place each day and thanks for reading. Thanks for commenting and letting me know your thoughts, ideas, frustrations, and dreams. Thanks for making yourselves vulnerable as I make myself vulnerable, and thanks for sharing all this redeeemed-mess with those God has placed in your path. YOU are what make this place so much fun … it’d be so lonely without you!

As I mentioned, I’m leaving in a few hours for a women’s retreat. As much as I love writing, I love connecting with you women in person even more! It’s so hard to really convey God’s heart, love, and truth behind the screen, but in person He adds such color and warmth and life–a three-dimensional experience is such a gift!  So, if you have a women’s event at your church and are looking for a speaker, I’d love to join you! Many of you have already checked out the speaking page, but if you haven’t, check out 2013’s retreat offering, and maybe there would be a fit. I’m also excited to share we’ll be developing a Sacred Mundane retreat this year, so stay tuned for that.

That’s all for today. Would you also consider lifting me up in prayer, that God would heal this cold today and give me strength and vitality to speak His word with passion, boldness, and conviction? Thank you so much. I pray your weekend is full of His presence as you seek Him in the sacred mundane.



8 thoughts on “Just saying hi.”

  1. Hi friend! I’m proud of you for doing what you need to do! Take care of yourself and we will be praying for quick healing.

    By the way…count me in for helping and attending the Sacred Mundane retreat – oh what I would do to sit at your feet and hear your amazing teaching – God has given you the gift of writing, but what so many of your readers don’t know is how great your speaking abilities are! Hmmmm….maybe a video blog entry one of these days so they can experience that??!!!

    1. Oh you dear, dear friend. You are the most encouraging thing–it’d be so fun to work on it together! We’ll keep praying and brainstorming about it while we run… 🙂 So sorry you are still sick, praying for you.

  2. Hi! 😉 Very excited to hear that you’ll be putting together a Sacred Mundane retreat. I know how tiring and exhausting it is to go through the day (especially when you have plans to lead something) when you’re not feeling well. I’m praying that you will have the peace of God, that you will find rest in Him and comfort and strength to speak to those listening with sincerity, depth, and passion. Praying that you will be energized in Him and that the ladies you’re speaking to (and that YOU) will be blessed this weekend.

  3. Dear friend- praying for you and the women who will share space with your heart and words. Know that the God of our Creation will be meeting with you all. Continued prayer for that cold to evaporate under the warm water of His healing love. All my love and with “mud on my shoes and spit on my shoulder.” PS adored the clip on your speaking page!

  4. Hi,
    Thanks for coming to the retreat. I enjoyed your down-to-earth approach with lots of insights for us to learn about grace.

    I would so enjoy having a copy of your notes if you have time to email them to me.

    Thanks again!
    Sharon (the one who got the Beaver socks:)

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