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I’m sorry there was no post slipped into your inbox today, or waiting here for you while you sipped your coffee this morning.

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I have been enjoying a bit of unplugged time: Lunch with my precious auntie, visit to oncology, and the good news that she’s cancer-free (!!); a double date with dear friends in downtown Portland; a special getaway with my man; a fun opportunity to help a new blogger launching her site; a reconnecting coffee date with my childhood best friend (now a missionary in Cambodia) after MANY years out of touch; lunch alfresco with my discipler-friend of 14 years for one of the last times before she moves out of state; visiting a dear friend who lost a baby this week; and enjoying a much-needed lazy evening by the river with my kiddos. Such real-life richnessThere are no words. There is no virtual replacement for real-time relationships.

photo (56)And, what a joy that this world keeps on moving, even when I have no words. (smile) Have a blessed weekend, friends. Thanks for reading.


3 thoughts on “No words”

  1. My favorite sentence from this post: “There is no virtual replacement for real-time relationships.” Good for you, Kari! As much as I love reading your posts, it’s important you know we’ll all be all right for a day, especially when we depend on the Lord. God bless you!

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