Happy Memorial Day! How was the first week of the One Another Challenge? I found the word “challenge” appropriate. It was interesting how God truly “challenged” me in the particular one-another of each day. Relationships are rich, fulfilling, rewarding, and … challenging. How about you? What have you discovered during our first week?

*Just joining us? Find our first week of challenges here…

Here are this week’s One Anothers:

Monday, May 28: Romans 16:16: “Greet one another with a holy kiss.”

Well, it probably wouldn’t bless your friend if you tried to kiss her. But in our culture, this would be translated into a hug, a squeeze of her hand, a kind and warm smile. What physical demonstration could you make to your friend, your spouse, or your children, to communicate your love to them? Do you sometimes hold back? Today take a step toward showing warmth and physical affection to your friends. Touch her arm, squeeze her hand, hug her, smile. 

Tuesday, May 29: James 1:19: “Be quick to listen, slow to speak.”

If we did this every single day our friendships would be transformed! If this particular verse pricks your heart with conviction, might I suggest a fabulous book called The Lost Art of Listening (buy it here). I’m 3/4 way through it right now and being so challenge and inspired. In it Dr. Michael Nichols explains that the essence of listening is learning to suspend self in order to truly listen, understand, and empathize with another. He says, “Better listening doesn’t start with a set of techniques. It starts with making a sincere effort to pay attention to what’s going on in the other person’s private world of experience.”  Today, make a sincere effort to suspend your own agenda, thoughts, and opinions and enter in to the thoughts and experience of another. Listen long, listen well. The rewards will be amazing!

Wednesday, May 30: Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind and compassionate to one another.”

“Compassion” literally means “with feeling” or “to feel with” someone. How can you “feel with” someone today. After you’ve listened, how can you feel with someone and enter into their world. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Make a conscious effort today to enter in to the feelings of another. Take time to think about what it feels like in their shoes. Consider how they might perceive things. After you’ve thought and considered this, do some small action of kindness based on what you’ve learned from feeling-with them. If a friend has a big birthday coming up, consider the mixed emotions they might feel and write them a note accordingly. If your kids are enduring their last days of school or preparing for exams, consider what feelings or anxieties they are facing and do something to let them know you care. Act purposefully (not random acts of kindness) and specifically in your kindness, so the other person knows you have thought, understood, and cared about them. 

Thursday, May 31: 1 Thessalonians 3:12: “[May] your love increase and overflow for each other.”

When I think of “overflow” I think of something I just can’t help. Take some time today and think through your friends. Is there one who stands out who just makes you want to overflow with joy because she’s so special? Who really stands out in your mind? Yes, we took time to not play favorites, but today just consider, “Who really just makes you overflow?” Take a moment today and tell her how special she is to you and how she makes your cup run over with joy.

Friday, June 1: Romans 12:10: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.”

To be devoted in a way that shows brotherly love is to be loyal. The beauty and essence of devoted, brotherly love is the loyalty and faithfulness that is intended to mark family relationships (but sadly, often doesn’t). Who can you show loyalty and faithfulness to today? Today I have the joy of spending a family-type celebration with a non-family friend. What an honor! My prayer is to remain devoted to this particular friend, and her family, for the long haul as they walk through a particularly difficult challenge. Who is God calling you to be devoted to? What would it look like for you to remain devoted to them in brotherly love? Is that praying for her daily? Is it making monthly dates with her so you know you’ll stay in touch? Is it making a habit of calling her so you keep current with each other? What steps can you take so you can remain loyal, faithful, and devoted to a particular friend in sisterly love?

Saturday, June 2: 1 Peter 4:9: “Offer hospitality to one another.”

Invite someone over! Plan ahead for this day and open your home or life to someone. Invite a friend over for coffee or tea. Partner with your husband and have another couple over for dinner. Better yet, throw a bean party! If your house isn’t perfect, that’s even better. Remember the challenge isn’t to entertain, it’s to show hospitality. Think of your home as an soul-hospital, a place people can come and find rest for their souls, encouragement, strength, love, laughter, warmth, food, nourishment. Don’t worry about dust or the perfect menu, simply delight in blessing a friend with your presence. Smile, hug, ask questions, listen, and laugh. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 3: Galatians 6:10: “As we have opportunity, let us do good, especially to those of the household of faith.”

As you join with your local congregation to worship today, look around and see where you can do good. You don’t need to force it, stress, or strive, just simply ask God to show you what opportunity you already have, and to help you walk through that door to bless those in the household of faith. Invite another family over after church for a casual lunch. Be spontaneous. Another idea: before Sunday take some time to write hand-written thank you notes to each of your pastors or staff. Deliver them to their offices on Sunday. Or just pick one. Don’t worry about how little your step is, just do some good to some dear brother or sister in the household of faith. 

{Oh I pray you enjoy these challenges this week! I’m so excited to practice these with you. I can already feel God working in my heart. I pray you can too. Bless you today, and thanks for reading!}

2 thoughts on “One Another Challenge: 31 days to friendship God's way (2)”

  1. I recognized my own pride in the desire of knowing if the scriptures or words were “getting through” or meaning anything to the recipient. I kept having that still small voice reminding that the appreciation or gratitude wasn’t what this was all about. These are simply seeds being planted and I need to not always “NEED” the appreciation back 😉 thanks for your heart in this too!

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