Needless to say, I’m feeling a little blessed by friendships right now. My weekend was full of friend’s faces, hugs, laughter, and way too much amazing dessert. But that’s what birthdays are for!

Now, we’re 2/3 the way through our challenge … hang in there! Keep with it; let’s continue to the end and learn all we can from meditating on these scriptures and living them out each day, ok? Ready for week 4? Lord, give us grace and strength to continue in these this week …

Monday, June 11: Romans 15:14: “Instruct one another.”

This probably isn’t the most instinctive “one another” for most of us. Encouraging each other, yes. Loving each other, yes. Instructing each other? Yes. Sure, we’re not all gifted teachers and not all called to formal teaching settings, but we all teach each other. A perfect example was my weekend. Some girlfriends and I gathered and through the natural course of conversation we instructed each other. Melissa told us all about homesteading and her lavender business and keeping bees and Candi and I were hanging on every word. I almost started taking notes. Candi taught us about makeup and skincare. Abbey taught us about fashion. Janae taught me about friendship. All of them taught me by their actions, words, example. We all instruct each other, all the time. The question is: What does your life teach? What words come out of your mouth? What are you instructing people in by the words that you say and the actions you live? What do people learn from you? Something to consider today … 

Tuesday, June 12: Ephesians 4:25: “Speak truthfully.”

This last weekend I was so blessed by a friend who went out of her way to clarify a situation so that she was completely truthful and not misleading. She easily could have let it go but she went out of her way to just be over-the-top clear and not misleading or misrepresenting herself in any way. I love that! SUCH integrity. Such honesty and humility. That is so attractive to me and makes me want to be her friend even more.  Another friend and I had a long talk about our hopes and expectations for the future, and shared some really honest things that helps us understand each other better. I can tend to be a people-pleaser, so I’d rather just agree than really speak the truth and risk disagreeing. But real friends are able to disagree and still love each other. The key–speak the truth in love. Is this honesty helpful? Pray today about ways you can become more honest in your friendships, in ways that edify you and your friend. Then take action!

Wednesday, June 13: Ephesians 4:2: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Without a doubt, we will have opportunity to practice this with our friends. Are we patient when someone irritates us? Are we humble when they say something that bruises our ego? Are we gentle or do we just spew out whatever is on our minds? Are we careful and tender and patient and gentle, or are we harsh? This is a great balance with yesterday’s challenge, because we must always temper our honesty with humility, gentleness, patience, and forbearance. This verse is worth memorizing. Tape this one up above your kitchen sink and memorize today. It just might come in handy … 🙂

Thursday, June 14: Colossians 3:13: “Forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.”

Take some time this morning and ask God is there is any trace of unforgiveness in your heart. So often we forgive something once, and then it creeps back up in our minds and hearts and next thing you know you’re holding it back over that person. Choose to forgive again. Really go to battle this day and ask God to help you gain ground and victory in forgiveness. Ask Him to help you understand the gospel and how great was the debt that He paid. Spend time in prayer today and choose to forgive that person, whoever he or she is who comes to mind.

Friday, June 15: Galatians 5:25: Don’t provoke or envy one another.

Envy is one we always must be on guard against. What is it that you most tend to envy? Another woman’s success? Home? Children? Husband? Status? Looks? Whatever it is that we most tend to envy is a clue to what our idol is. We tend to envy whatever it is that we find our identity in, or what we’ve made our false god, our idol. We tend to think, “I’d be happy if I only had ______________ that she has.” That is a lie from the pit of hell. Everything that we need for life and godliness is given to us. Today, identify what it is you most tend to envy in others, and ask God to give you freedom from that idol. On a related note, be purposeful today not to provoke each other. We often unwittingly provoke each other by our silent competition. When we try to be better, we’re silently provoking others to join into our deadly competition. Don’t compete. Lose the race. Sit down on the sidelines and bask in who God made you to be.

Saturday, June 16: James 4:11: “Do not slander one another.”

Ok girls, slander sounds harsh, but we’ve done it. All of us.  How do you choose to describe someone? Do you use a palette of grace? Or do you paint people in a way that highlights their blemishes and accentuates your own worth? Do you talk about another woman in a way that she’d be happy to hear? Always think: If the person I am taking about were listening to me, would they be happy with what I’m saying. That doesn’t mean we’re fake, but it does mean we’re fair.  Always, always, always, believe the best. Paint people in a forgiving light. Love covers a multitude of sins. Cover sin by your words and paint people with grace.

Sunday, June 17: Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15: Re-establish broken relationships with one another.

This is the culmination of everything we’ve done this week. As we’ve asked God to help us forgive, we’ve chosen not to slander, we’ve been truthful and yet patient, gracious, gentle. And now … take a step. Is there anyone God brings to mind who you need to re-establish a broken relationship with? Who is it? What face comes to mind? Ask God what His will is regarding this relationship and what you can do to heal it, if at all possible. Read through the Matthew 5 & 18 passages today and ask Him for specific guidance for possibly approaching this person. Perhaps, even, on Father’s Day, it is your father? Go the extra mile today to reach out and bless your dad, no matter what he’s been like. And most of all, as much as depends on you, live at peace with all people.

Praying you have a blessed Monday! Thanks so much for reading.

One thought on “One Another Challenge: 31 days to friendship God's way (4)”

  1. Kari, this journey of friendship God’s way has been so good for me. Thank you for taking the time to focus on these areas. This week in particular was a good one for me to focus on and I am currently revisiting a couple of the challenges. Working at our friendships is always worth the time and effort!

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