Encourage one another daily.

 Hebrews 3:13

Happy Monday! I’ve been so excited to begin this challenge and today is the day! We’re kicking off a theme on Friendship, and we’ll be looking together on what God’s plan for friendship is, how to be better friends, and where to look for true, godly, rich friendships. I cannot tell you how the past few months of studying this material have blessed my life, and this past weekend we had the JOY of studying this topic together at the Oregon Women of the Word conference.  I truly believe this is something on God’s heart for us right now, and I’m thrilled to share and grow with you.

So, Will you join me?  Today we’re embarking on a simple One Another Challenge: 31 Days to Friendship God’s Way. Each day we will aim to live-out one of the biblical One Another commands in scripture in a practical way. I’ll post each Monday to give the week’s One Anothers and ideas for how to live them out, along with other thoughts periodically on friendship God’s way. You may want to print Monday’s post and have it handy so you can reference it each day.  Of course you’re welcome to do whichever one on whichever day, but I like a list telling me what to do each day! You can practice these on a girlfriend, a relative, your spouse, your children, whoever. But ask God for His Holy Spirit to guide you and truly work in your heart from the inside out. I truly believe that if we purposefully live these out for 31 days we will begin to see true transformation in our relationships. You game?

Week 1: 

Monday, May 21:  Romans 12:10: “Honor one another.”

Honoring a friend could be as simple as writing her a kind facebook message (or writing a status message ABOUT her), hand-writing her a note acknowledging her kindness, dropping off some flowers on her doorstep, or calling her “just because” and telling her several things you love about her. Consider this your “warm up” day. 🙂

Tuesday, May 22: James 5:9: “Don’t grumble against each other.”

Be mindful today to not complain or grumble about anyone … even in your heart. When speaking on the phone or in person, be careful to keep your words positive, encouraging, edifying. Since we often are critical in our thoughts, fix your mind on the good things about your friends and family today, rather than slipping into criticism or judgment. Be mindful all day to meditate on the things you love, admire, and appreciate about your loved ones.

Wednesday, May 23: Romans 12:3-8: Confirm the gifts of one another.

Take time today to tell a friend what gifts you see in her life. Is she a great organizer? Is she fun, does she have a great sense of humor? Is she wise and full of godly counsel? Does she raise her children well? Is her home welcoming? Does she show hospitality graciously? Think through the gifts and talents of your friends and take a moment to tell them what you see. You may be amazed at how they light up when you point out the beautiful gems you see inside. Be honest and lavish in your love!

 Thursday, May 24: Romans 15:7: “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you.”

Is there someone you have a hard time accepting? Someone’s attitude or choices? Is there a friend who is making unwise decisions and it frustrates you? Perhaps you may make some gesture that communicates your acceptance of that person. Though you are not condoning sin or encouraging a sinful behavior, communicate to someone that you accept and love them as a person. Perhaps something like this: “Even though we don’t see eye to eye, I want you to know that I love you, accept you, and appreciate you as a friend.”  Does someone come to mind?

Friday, May 25: 1 Corinthians 12:25: “Have equal concern for each other.”

Sometimes (we all do it) we tend to have more concern for some people and less for others. Let’s face it, some people require more energy, and we’re hesitant to reach out. Just for today–treat that “extra energy required” person as if they were your very bestest friend. Check on them. Call them and listen to them. Write them an email just to see how they are. But also, please be subtle and  show genuine concern, just in case she reads this blog and then thinks that she’s the “extra energy” friend in your life! 🙂 Above all, ask God to give you genuine concern for her, not just fulfilling your obligation or doing some duty.

Saturday, May 26: 1 Peter 5:5: “Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another.”

Every single day affords us the opportunity to humble ourselves before each other. OFTEN. Today think of how you can take the low seat, and put someone else’s needs above your own. Perhaps that means listening instead of talking, or putting someone else’s schedule above your own. Or praising a friend who you might struggle with envy toward. Consider how you can promote and praise a friend, breaking the back of pride and walking in humility and grace. Think today of lifting a friend up high and being content to sit in the shade while she shines.

Sunday, May 27: James 2:1: “Don’t show favoritism.”

Where do you usually sit on Sundays at church? Do you always sit in the same spot? Next to the same friend? Your “favorite” friend? 🙂 Perhaps today you would consider looking around and finding someone alone, someone who looks a little down, someone who could use a friend? Perhaps you might stay and talk longer with someone instead of rushing off to meet your favorite person. Perhaps you might invite a family over for lunch who you normally might not choose. Basically, treat someone else the way you would your “favorite” — choosing to extend love in a practical way. 

{Thoughts, comments, ideas for how you might put these into practice? Thanks so much for joining this challenge, and for reading…}

14 thoughts on “One Another Challenge: 31 Days to Friendship God's Way”

  1. These are a great daily reminder, Kari! I will surely not only use them as a friend, but also as a great reminder to use for my children. So may times I am busy with house things or another child and I fail to be comforting or see past the child that really needs the extra encouragement at a specific time. These are great truths to remember and apply every day!

  2. Thank you for putting this together! I am so excited to be purposeful about honoring and acknowledging the friendships God has placed in my life. I’m looking forward to doing this DAILY! :]
    Thanks again!

    1. Yes, me too, Susan. So good to have something daily to keep refreshing our focus. Bless you, sister!

  3. I love this! I’m going to use this to work on a relationship that is particularly challenging for me. 🙂 Thank you friend!

    1. Thanks, friend! Wait…if I notice you doing all these toward me I’m going to know that I’m challenging. 😉 Just kidding…. proud of you!

  4. So I just love this and how God works through you for confirmation. Mark and I left church Sunday to grab lunch before the parenting seminar started and looked at each other and said “We’ve got to make it a daily thing that we will send messages of hope, encouragement and scripture to some of our friends having a difficult time” we both knew exactly who and that we’d both send it to the couple and we started right there in the parking lot. I get on your site today to see this and smiled feeling like “Yes God is saying DO THIS!”
    Thanks for being a vessel Kari! Love it! 😉

    1. YAY!! What a great testimony, Sarah. Love that. Thanks for sharing and being so open to God’s leading. You are a delight!

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