We meet on the corner of Rosemont and Carriage at 6:10am.  

The first quarter mile I run alone. But then I turn the corner and there she is, her ponytail bobbing as she runs, and I can’t help but smile.

Our first words are always how tired we are, how rough it was rolling out of bed that morning, how little sleep we got, whose child was up at what hour. There’s no way I’d be out there running if it weren’t for her. And as we finish our 5-miles we inevitably say, “It’s just so much easier running together.” So true.

This is the girl who somehow got me to sign up for the 200-mile relay race, Hood to Coast. I have no idea how. I panicked for months afterward, convinced I couldn’t do it, anxious and worried about how hard it’d be. But now that it’s just around the corner I’m excited.

I’m so grateful for friendships who make me go farther than I ever could on my own. 

Nowhere is this truth more evident than in my marriage. My friend helps me run five miles … Jeff helps me run eight. Somehow he managed to lure me all the way around Foster Reservoir, up and down the hills of West Linn, and around and around the winding trails at Mary S. Young. He can get me to do what no other friend could, because he’s willing to let me get mad at him in order to help me grow.

I’m so grateful for a man who makes me go way farther than I ever could on my own. 

But here’s what I’ve noticed: We’re good at joining together with others to help each other accomplish what we couldn’t do alone. But sometimes we’re not very good at considering what it is we’re helping each other toward.

I think we underestimate how powerful our partnerships really are.

Just this week I’ve been struggling with conflicting emotions. I’m excited for our new venture, but also grieving many relationships that I’ll be leaving behind. The team starting RENEW is small, and sometimes I look around and feel alone. But just the presence of my friend this morning encouraged me with new strength. Just one email I received later this morning bolstered my faith and gave me fresh perspective. It wasn’t anything magic, just a small kindness–a touch.

Women are great at helping each other find deals, lose weight, or swap recipe-ideas. (I like all those things as well!) But are we also passionate about pursuing Christ-likeness together? The same way we run together at 6am, could we also meet to pray, read the Word, or simply text one another and cheer each other on in our quiet times? Could we pray for each other every single day? Email verses, encouragement from Scripture, reminders that this world is not our home?

Basically I’m saying that everything we’ve been talking about this week, We must do together. Take a step of faith and be the first friend to suggest reading a book together, praying together, memorizing a verse together. It might be a challenge, but what are friendships for if not to take us farther than we’d ever go alone? 

{I pray this space can be just this in a tiny way — let’s help each other grow and go farther than we ever could alone. Who can you reach out today to encourage toward Christ? Who can you ask for help from? Thanks so much for “running” with me … and for reading.}

4 thoughts on “Running together…”

  1. Together. Yes, we do better in reaching forward when we reach together. And even when we feel alone, or are alone and isolated for a season, our Quiet Coach Jesus, runs with us. I cannot- He says yes WE can, I am not enough- He says, but I AM.
    Reaching and stretching ahead with you, RENEW…and Him.

  2. “Women are great at helping each other find deals, lose weight, or swap recipe-ideas. (I like all those things as well!) But are we also passionate about pursuing Christ-likeness together? The same way we run together at 6am, could we also meet to pray, read the Word, or simply text one another and cheer each other on in our quiet times? Could we pray for each other every single day? Email verses, encouragement from Scripture, reminders that this world is not our home?”

    You have just said what I’ve been trying to get across for months with such grace and humility… I needed this. Thank you.

  3. Perfect! Thank you for this reminder I so needed. So many changes and question marks floating in the air right now for us and trying so hard to not get too weary on this run…we’re in the last leg of this and I felt the holy spirit showing me months ago that the last leg would feel impossible and tiring but push through. Yes great relationships that force us to not give up and dive deeper are just the right answer 🙂
    Love you Kari 🙂

  4. I’m also running Hood to Coast next weekend on a team from my sisters church in Portland. I’ve had many a mornings forcing myself out the door in the wee hours for a run after being up multiple nights with my infant. Love keeping up with your blog and maybe I’ll “see you on the road” 🙂

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