{I’m on an airplane today, savoring these sweet words from my lifelong friend and mommy of three, Janae. Enjoy …}

Yesterday was day 3 with a feverish & fussy baby. Her molars are on the move & it has been brutal.

I googled “1 year molars” and clicked on the first link that looked promising. It suggested all of the typical solutions—chew toys, pain medicine, extra cuddles, etc. But there was one tip that stood out: do something fun to take their mind off the pain they feel.

And so today fun was my #1 goal.

It just so happened that my husband went out of town early this morning & my two oldest kids didn’t want him to leave without saying goodbye. They were up almost 2 hours earlier than normal. So I was too. Not my idea of fun—especially after the sleepless night the baby & I had. But, I greeted my kids with enthusiasm and was grateful for the chance to see my husband before he left.

While the baby slept, my two oldest and I made Chocolate Chip Waffles. It was a first for all of us. OH MY. Delicious.

To burn off the sugar high, I determined we needed to get out in the fresh air. We went to all of our favorite places—the donut store (what the kids call the grocery store—the donuts are superb), choo-choo store (a pharmacy with a train table so the kids can play while I shop), the bank, park & post office.

My oldest two each pushed a little toy stroller & my baby rode happily in the wagon from place to place.

While we journeyed we played red-light green-light; we examined the ground to determine if we were seeing teeny tiny sticks or worms; we jumped, skipped, galloped and ran. It was a blast.

We were pulled from our own little world of discovery and fascination by a couple of sweet ladies. They were smitten with my little trio of blondes. After asking all of their ages (4, 2 & 1) and discovering my daughters are not twins (they suspected they were), one of them looked at me and said, “You bring back such special memories. Cherish these days.” Then she looked at me, deep in my eyes, and she saw what I try so hard to hide, “Even if you are tired—cherish it.”

I thanked her for her reminder, told her I agreed whole-heartedly, and wished both of them a good day. As we walked toward home I started to pray because I felt an unsettling in my heart. The urgency behind her words & the obviousness of my exhaustion threw me.

Days like today are easy to cherish. The house was clean, the fridge was full, the laundry was mostly caught up, the housework was minimal and my only task for the day was to have fun.

The kids were ecstatic every step of the way.

But, today wasn’t a representation of my reality. The truth is there are days when everyone is sick or when I fight for their naps or when the house is a complete and utter disaster. There are seasons that I feel lonely in parenting because my husband works endless hours. There are moments that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing & feel trapped in my own insecurity. There are times that I am consumed by worry, guilt and regret.

And that is when I need to let go, give it all to God & pour myself into those I love.

Yes, just like my baby, I needed a day of fun to forget what I feel.

Tomorrow when I wake up, I’ll do the dishes I neglected tonight, tidy up the toys that are scattered throughout the house & do a load or two of laundry. I’ll do it with joy, because my heart has been recharged and renewed.

And tonight as I drift into sweet slumber, I will give thanks—for this life He has given me and for these children I get to raise and my husband I get to love. And what better way to cherish this wonderful, challenging & exhausting stage of life than to give thanks?

{Amen and well said. Thanks for reading…}


4 thoughts on “Rx: FUN”

  1. Kari- I’ve been so encouraged by your blog you’re an amazing woman. Miss crossing paths at playgroup )gosh, that was a long time ago, our girls are all turning 3!).
    Janae- Love what you had to share today 🙂 Just what I needed to hear. Love you and sorry you’re home with sickies today.

    1. Thank you so much, Emiliy! How fun to hear from you — oh my I can’t believe we were both pregnant and now our girls are three! How are you now? I hope I can tag along with Janae and see you sometime! xoxo

  2. This made me cry. My kids are the exact same ages as yours Janae! Thank you for this beautiful post.

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