Apparently, last week’s theme–in my life–was Rejection. I sure wish I would’ve gotten the memo ahead of time because it caught me by surprise. No, nothing earth-shattering, just a garden variety of rejection that kept a steady reminder in front of my face: “Not enough.”

You’re not big enough.

You don’t have enough money.

Your offer isn’t good enough.

You don’t have enough time.

You’re not enough.

In a number of different situations, God called me to give everything I had. And the result, in each situation: “Not enough.”

As I lay my head in my husband’s lap, me crying and him smoothing my hair, I could hear the slithering whisper in my ear …

“Not enough.”

I knew enough to remember the origin of that lie. It is the same lie whispered to Eve at the dawn of time. The very first temptation–to believe that what God had given was not enough. To believe that how God made us is not enough. We must reach for the forbidden fruit, that will make us wise,give us knowledge–that will make us enough!

Just as I was drying my tears I clicked on the computer, see her name. My jaw drops. I’ve never met her but I know her husband … and I know what just happened.

Terrible tragedy. A boating accident. A brother, son, friend, just 21 … gone. And I click her name and read her words and how is it that she’s ministering to me? Me with my puny disappointments and pathetic sorrows? She says it like this:

“My biggest struggle is not being “enough”.
I’m not enough to take away the pain.
I’m not enough to comfort my husband so that he may find peace.
I’m not enough to ease the fears of my children.
And I’ve never really felt that way before.
I’m just not big enough this time.
I’m trying to make peace with that, because I know I’m not supposed to be.
None of us are supposed to be enough.
If we were, we wouldn’t cling to God.”

And I thank her for ministering to me and let her know I’ve been praying for her family, even though I didn’t know her.

Could it be that we’re all fed this lie? In tragedy and monotony? You’re not enough.  Perhaps Satan isn’t all that creative after all? He just feeds us the same line year after year?

So we must keep this in our vision: God is enough. Has given us enough. Has made us enough. Whatever it is He’s given us is enough.

And gratitude is what silences the lie and reminds us afresh that He is enough. In Him we have enough time. In Him we have enough money. In Him we are big enough, good enough, strong enough. In Him we are enough for whatever He calls us to be.  Because He is enough.

That’s the theme of this week. 
All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough
 {Thanks for reading.}

27 thoughts on “The lie of not enough…”

  1. Thank you for this – it was exactly what I needed to hear this morning, and beautifully written!

    1. Praise God, Jamie. So glad God had it so perfectly timed. BTW, love your site, anything with “Quotidian” in the title will catch my eye!! 🙂

  2. “And gratitude is what silences the lie.” OH my goodness! Such a wonderful reminder this morning, Kari, thank you, thank you!

  3. Perfect, Kari! I needed to hear this message. What a lie we are told and oh, how it can really “mess” with us. I will be praying for both of you wonderful ladies that you will feel enough in everything because you both are. Hang in there girl, love you!

    1. Yes, yes, it’s so good to remember we are always and at all times tempted to believe lies. Wow! Sobering. Thanks, Melissa. Love you so much!

  4. Thank you Kari! Thank you for letting God use you! I needed to read this so much today. In the business of this life, living with chronic pain and never being able to keep the house us, this is the lie Satan tells me most often. I will practice gratitude today! I will be praying for you and for that sweet lady you mentioned. As I start my day (and my 5 loads of laundry!) I will remember that IN HIM, I have enough!! God bless you sweet sister!

    1. Oh bless you, Stacy! Physical pain…oh girl I am praying for you right now. I can’t imagine how exhausting that must feel. Praying for relief right now for you today, that you’d be washed with soothing balm and energy and rest in being enough. Thank you!

  5. Trying to be “enough” is a more twisted form of perfectionism, the road to death. I have logged a lot of miles trying, striving, lunging forward in this effort. It truly is Satan’s lie. You nailed him!

  6. When we refuse to yield to the Spirit we miss out on the holy excitement of living beyond ourselves. John 15:5, Eph; 5:18 You are enough in Christ. 🙂

  7. I agree, this is one of the most believed lies… one that I fall for again and again.

    May we all learn to cling to Him.

  8. Kari,
    Do you have any scripture verses or passages that you would recommend for memorization on this topic? Something that I might quote out loud when Satan’s lie that I am not enough is ringing in my ears?
    Fellow Sacred Mundane followers- your scripture memorization suggestions for this topic are welcome as well 🙂

    1. Great question, Cassie. Here are my favs that pertain to this specifically:
      “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3 He has given us ENOUGH for life and living godly.
      “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalm 16:6. What I have (money, family, material needs) is ENOUGH.
      “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 We have enough strength to resist sin.
      “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 (in the context of contentment)
      Would love to hear from others as well!

    2. This is from Chapter 3 of Renee Swope’s A Confident Heart bible study:

      “Satisfy [me] in the morning with your unfailing love, that [I] may sing for you and be glad all [my] days…for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 90:14, 143:8b, NIV

      Hope this helps!

  9. Seems to be a common thread that is finding its way still into so many hearts. Thank you for bringing it to the surface. IT seems as of late I have been kicked with the “See how you are” sneering voice of the discourager and “you WILL NEVER be enough” of the liar…We must encourage one another and confess our fears in order to know that we do battle like this all the time. We have ONE that is bigger and He goes ahead. Psalm 130 brings great hope and perspective for me. “Out of the depths I have cried to you O Lord. Lord hear my voice!” But ah to remember as we find ourselves in that pit, again:( and then call out as verse five and six do and here I personalize for all of us that responded, “We wait O Lord, Jamie, Kari, Caila, Melissa, Stacy, Cassie, Janie, Bob, Natasha, Debra and SO many more, our souls wait and in Your word WE do hope. Our soul waits for the Lord, more than the watchmen for the morning.” Together we wait in Hope, reminding each other and seeking Him to hold us up against the liar. Praise God!!! Thanks Kari. Love your honest opening so we can see we stand together under our King.

  10. Yes! Also translated, Amen!

    That exact song floated into my mind just a couple days ago… thank you for the needful reminder! He IS more than enough for all of me and my dailiness–this fits in so well with that concept of training you wrote about, too–He’s given me what I need to walk through today, and just asks me to be faithful with that. Thanks again!

  11. God seems to be beating this message into my head lately! Many of the blogposts I’ve read this week and the chapter I’m reading in Renee Swope’s “A Confident Heart” have really hit on it. I’m so ungrateful and God should be enough. He is my shepherd, I shall not want for anything, except I do. *sigh*

    1. Yes, we ALL face this battle. That book sounds tremendous, do you recommend it? I’d like to check it out. We LEARN contentment, just like Paul! Learning with you, my sister! Thanks for being here and growing with us! -K

  12. Thank you so much for this reminder Kari!!! Since getting here that has been the lie I keep believing, fighting, believing again and fighting again. Its encouraging to know I’m not in this battle alone….SO grateful for those verses also!

    1. Oh girl, I can only imagine how overwhelming it must feel there. New language, house, country, customs, baby, work, food, sights, smells…oh my! I’m overwhelmed just thinking about it. 🙂 But YES, He is more than enough and is making you more than enough. Love you so much my sweet friend!

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