Who would have thought that a book about cognitive biases, self-righteousness, and Adolf Eichmann, architect of the Nazi’s “final solution,” could have me laughing out loud and breathing a deep sigh of relief as I settle into the realization, all over again, that I can indeed lighten up and let God be God.

Letting go of self-righteousness might be the most freeing thing we ever do. It’s a slow and subtle trap and it feels so right all along the way. The “righteous indignation” we nurse as we look at the world around us, the fierce loyalty we feel towards our party, our camp, our opinion, the airtight case we silently build as we mentally dispute those who disagree with us.

It’s a full-time job, y’all, having to be right all the time.

The truth is: You guys, we’re a mess. Salvation can’t come until our prayers are no longer looking around at those we deem losers and saying, “Thank you, God that I’m not like THEM,” but we finally, inwardly, truthfully, just beat our chests and go, “Oh my goodness, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

The chest-beaters, the mess-ups that know it, the ones with eyes downcast, not looking around at everyone else, they’re the ones who will be justified.

For me personally, the book spoke loud and clear one thing I needed to hear: Lighten up.

When did the weight of following Jesus become SO VERY HEAVY? When did we start believing we have to have an opinion on everything? When did everything become a cause of outrage? When did I become so easily overwhelmed by the everyday struggles and conflicts of life?

None of this is new. Kari, there is good news. It is that Jesus has inaugurated a New Kingdom and it’s totally upside down and all this stuff we see is but a shadow and He actually said that His yoke is EASY and His burden is LIGHT. Why? Not because the work is easy, not because the weight of the world is light, but because HE CARRIES IT.

This whole wild circus that we call the World?! Jesus isn’t freaking out. Jesus isn’t panicking. In fact, He’s SITTING DOWN. He’s seated at the right hand of the Father and He’s patiently waiting to return and set everything straight, and as I cling to Him and trust Him, and seek justice and love mercy and walk humbly with Him, He’s going to go ahead and run the world and in the end I’m pretty sure I’ll be wrong about more than 1/2 the things I think I’m right about. But if I have trusted Him and walked in humility and fled from sin and pride, I think there will be a place for me, with Him, in a great eternal kingdom. Oh man, you guys: I’m so so glad for this.

So yeah, buy the book: Looks like the best deal is here: https://bakerbookhouse.com/products/the-truth-about-us-how-we-fool-ourselves-and-how-god-loves-us-anyway-9780801094514 Or if you live near me, you’re welcome to borrow one of my three copies. 🙂

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