I am honored to have a few friends the age of my mom. Four in particular stand out to me, and they have come to be real, true friends in every sense. We pray together, talk together, and learn from each other. The other day one of these sister-mother-friends wrote me an email in response to one of my posts and shared a little story. I’d like to share it with you …

It reminds me of the time I was learning to scuba dive.  My dear man, Damon, was my master diver instructor, so I trusted him with my life.  One time he put me in the middle of a small lake that was muddy and had poor visibility.  It was used for teaching rescue/recovery techniques, so there was a submerged car and an airplane at the bottom of the lake.  He told me to sit on the wing of the airplane and stay there until he came back for me.  Then he left, disappearing into the murky water.  He was gone for awhile, and so I just sat there, listening to myself breath, since I couldn’t see anything further than a foot away.  And then I saw the dark shadow moving near me, and he appeared and motioned for me surface.  He told me that he was so proud of me to sticking it out and not panicking, as he had actually seen grown men do.

But I’m sure the difference is that I knew whom I trusted.  I knew he would not put me in danger.  

Do you see the implication that I am making?  I can draw the parallel, and realize that Jesus would never put me in danger, that I can trust Him with my life, even when the water is murky and I can’t see more than a few inches in front of me.

Oh, by the way, did I tell you, I can’t swim?!  (the secret is in the equipment)

Her simple story brought tears to my eyes that day and it does today as well.

Friends, our beloved Heavenly Husband is our trusted Instructor. And perhaps today He’s called you to sit alone in the midst of dark, murky waters, and sit on the wing of a crashed airplane with no instructions whatsoever except, “Wait for me here.”

That’s it. Just, “Wait for me here.”

What will you do? Panic? Bolt for the surface? Begin a frenzied search for Him? Will you do? What will I do? Will I focus on the blackness, the murkiness, the fact that I can’t swim! Or will I focus on remembering Whom I have trusted? Will I focus on remembering His goodness, His faithfulness, His love. That fact that He can do immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine.

I am, by the grace of God, going to sit on that airplane wing today. In the dark and murky waters, alone, and wait for my God.

Because He will show up. That I know.  

Thank you, my mother-sister-friend for sharing your story with me. And thank you all for reading.

13 thoughts on “Waiting in the dark and murky waters…”

  1. I’m going to sit here, as scary and frustrating as it can be at times. I know He will show up. Thanks for sharing this story, Kari!

  2. Wow! As a visual learner I totally get this. What a delightful story of promise, hope and trust! Love this woman’s heart! Similarly I have been hooked into a message from the OT. “And sometimes the cloud remained from evening until morning. And when the cloud lifted in the morning, they set out, or if it continued for a day and a night, when the cloud lifted they set out.” Numbers 9: 21 Whenever that cloud is sitting I need to wait. When I do not wait and want to punch out of the darkness on my own it is often not pretty. It is not safe or His plan. I too will be waiting on the wing waiting for His direction. Ok….now it is time to move, or sit child and wait. I will let you know when the time is ready…..

  3. I can’t stop crying… If only you knew how DESPERATELY I needed to hear this today… All I can say is THANK YOU for allowing the Lord to write through you, & touch so many hearts!!! Bless you, Kari!!! xoxo

    (I hope you don’t mind that I’ve shared your link with my FB Friends/Family. I know there are others who need to hear these words of encouragement & reassurance as well… If you’d prefer I remove the link, I completely understand- just let me know. But I felt these were words that needed to be shared!)

    1. Praise God that He had such perfect timing for you today. And OF COURSE I’d love for you to share this!! The more the better–I want every word to be used for others’ good and God’s glory. Share away!

  4. Tears streaming down my cheek once again!!! I am going to print this one and stick it into my bible. I needed this. Hugs!

  5. THANK YOU for sharing this, Kari. God continues to encourage me through your words!

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