Hello, friends! I’m sorry I haven’t been writing much around here lately. We’re in a busy season, but I do have a story of God’s faithfulness to share with you soon. Hoping to write about it tonight. For today, I wanted to pass along this praise, of how good God has been to us as we journey through the homeschool process. Even if you don’t homeschool, there are so many ways that it’s JUST SO HARD to trust the process, to be patient, to wait, to stay the course. I hope this can be encouraging to you. More soon… Thanks for reading. Read the rest over at Simple Homeschool…

One thought on “Why is it so hard to trust the process?”

  1. You speak with such wisdom, thankyou, there is always so much growth with every season. After 9 miscarriages I still struggle to see the purpose of my season/decade of heartbreak, I know I have grown although sometimes I think I’ve just changed forever. It amazes me how in His grace I can be okay and be so confused and heartbroken at the same time. The hardest part now is knowing that there will most likely always be incredible pain, my heart and hands, every part of me ache daily for what might have been. So thankful for the wisdom of those who understand, bless you x

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