
You made it through!

My friend Janae and I always say December 26th is the best day of the year. This is no knock on Christmas, I love the holy anticipation, like a whole month of holding our breath, it’s just that the post-Christmas exhale is always my favorite partAhhhhh.

I love lounging in jammies with nowhere to go, sipping coffee while kids play happily with new toys and books. I love eating leftovers. I love this lull between the glorious Christmas frenzy and the inevitable big breath we must take to begin planning and preparing for the new year.

This lull isn’t long but I love it just the same.

So I thought for today it’d be fun to offer you some comic relief before we begin looking ahead to the new year: The Homeschool Experiment

I mentioned before how much I enjoyed this book. Here’s why: the precious mama who wrote this book did so using a pseudonym so that she could safely divulge the truth. It’s brilliant! As you read it you think, “Oh my gosh is she really admitting this?” And she is! Why? Because you don’t know who she is! Haha. I love it.

I read it in one sitting, driving home from California. If you have any time to yourself this weekend, I wholeheartedly recommend snagging the kindle version and curling up for a good encouraging laugh. Even if you don’t homeschool, if you have smallish children I guarantee you will relate to her words. I recently recommended this book to a friend and, after starting it, she wrote back to me:

“I feel as if she is spying on me and has written this book about me!”

And, the awesome Mama-author has offered to give a FREE COPY of the book to one of you today. Isn’t she great? Just leave a comment on the FACEBOOK PAGE here (we’re having issues with my site, as you may have noticed, because of multiple hacks, so the comments haven’t been working for a few weeks. Anyway, I’m practicing my “whatever” mentality! :)) and we’ll pick a winner at the end of the weekend! (8pm PST Sunday 12/28) Or, just snag a kindle version and enjoy it over the weekend.

I hope you are encouraged and enjoy this blessed post-holiday weekend. Thanks for reading!

*You can chat with the author and find out more on her FB page here

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