Amazing. You guys are awesome! I got up early this morning to count and sat there in awe at the number staring me in the face.  Your generosity is such a blessing.  When I hear all the stories you have shared about going to the bank, getting strange looks, going to work, school, church events, I am so inspired. Last night at Adorn seeing all of you lovely ladies setting up tables and chairs with your beautiful bare feet. You’re amazing.

Wasn’t this fun? We should do it more often!

So here are, total shoes, our grand total raised, and the winner:

::Total shoes:

Together, all of us that commented, own 722 PAIRS OF SHOES. Yikes! You guys, that’s a lot of shoes. Isn’t it crazy to take such an objective look at all we have?  722 pairs, an average of 30 pair per person (some of you rounded up or included your spouse’s, so it’s likely a little less, but still!) I love what one commenter said (who herself had 34 pair), “You’d think we were all centipedes!”  722 was also the year (BC) that Assyria conquered the northern 10 tribes of Israel. I wonder if our shoes are what will conquer us? 🙂

::Total given to World Vision to provide clothing and shoes for those in need: Altogether, including the $10 per comment and the generous 11times multiplication through World Vision and all that we each gave on our own, together we raised, in one day:


What?!  ELEVEN THOUSAND two hundred and ninety-seven dollars. And actually I know some of you gave a lot more than the number of shoes you had, so it number is actually more, but I hope this is encourages your heart! I know it does mine!

Thank you, Jesus, for your grace and faithfulness. This was such a blessed, fun event to do with you all and I thank you so much for your participation.


And the random generator gives us our book winner is:

Summer Bryan!

Woohoo! Thanks so much, Summer, for participating!

Thank you thank you thank you all for participating. I hope you have a blessed day with comfy feet tucked in those wonderful shoes and that we all have just a teeny bit more appreciation for the abundance that we have.

And if you’re just now finding out about all this, you can always count your shoes (or count whatever you want!) and give HERE to World Vision and have it multiplied 11 times for those in need. Let the giving continue!!

Blessings on you!


12 thoughts on “Day Without Shoes: Results and Winner!”

  1. Hi Kari! I got up after reading your blog yesterday and went to count my shoes and never made it back 🙂 Imagine that. 22 pairs! I will donate to World Vision directly. Thanks for all you do!

    1. Yay! Thanks, Heather! You are anonymously making a special appearance in tomorrow’s post. 🙂 I love you my Giving Friend.

  2. Wow, choked up on the other side of the screen here!
    Thanks for always making me think!!!

  3. Yay! I’m in awe at how easy and fun this was. And I am so excited for Summer! Thank you, Kari, for the opportunity and encouragement!

    1. So glad we got to do this together! And so glad you recommended One Thousand Gifts to Summer…I’m shipping it to her right now. 🙂

  4. OK, Kari, I confess I couldn’t talk myself into going without shoes. (I had to go to a funeral and was just too cold to go barefoot!) But I did count them up and found I have a total of 23 pairs of shoes! Of those, I actually wear three pair on a regular basis, but even after the inventory, could only bring myself to put 2 pair in the Goodwill bag. (Of course, many of the “mud” shoes would not be fit even for Goodwill, but I MIGHT need them for the mud I so rarely get into!) So please add my $23 donation to World Vision to your grand total. Well done! We are well and truly blessed with provisions in this country. I appreciated this challenge because it reinforces being thankful for what I have, instead of always wanting “more.”

  5. That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! VERY COOL AND EXCITING!!!!!! So great to get to participate! Thank you Kari for all that you did, gave, and for letting us all join you!!

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