{UPDATE! Even if you see this mid-day or at 10pm at night, it’s not too late to jump on board! Even if you only slip off your shoes for 5 minutes… Count, Click, Contribute and Comment–every bit counts! God bless you!}

Today’s the day! Today, Tuesday, April 5th we have a very fun opportunity to partner with World Vision and One Day Without Shoes, an awareness-raising movement by TOMS shoes. Take a moment and watch the video, then check back in because we’re doing a little different spin here today… (Video here)

Cool, huh?

My  heart is that whenever we meet physical needs we meet spiritual needs as well. It isn’t enough to do one or the other.  We are to give generously and in a manner that spreads the gospel of Christ.


SO, will you join me in this amazing opportunity to raise literally thousands of dollars today and spread the gospel in powerful ways. It’s a 3-part challenge and includes a chance to win a FREE gift — something to nourish your soul.

Here’s the challenge:

1. Go today without shoes. Maybe it’s weird, but at the very least you’ll get a tiny taste of that it’s like to have a little less. Maybe it’ll be rainy, maybe it’ll be odd socially (I have Bible study and we have ADORN tonight!), but if you are able (I know in some vocations you would not be allowed, so just go barefoot before or after work!), I’d encourage you to go for it.  At least it will remind us to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who struggle every day to meet their basic needs of food, water, clothing and shelter.  So slip off those shoes and bare those beautiful toes!

2. Count your shoes. Give $1 for every pair you own. This isn’t about guilt it’s about grace and gratitude. Taking inventory of what we have is healthy way to remind ourselves of the FACT that have A LOT. For example, I do not think of myself as a shoe-lover. I didn’t think I had very many at all. But when I say count your shoes I mean every pair, not just in your closet, but in the garage, in your out-of-season rubbermaid bins, the ones tossed in the corner or the dusty ones you never wear. (And yes, those satin pink bridesmaid heels you never threw away! If you can walk in ’em, count ’em!) I counted the old boots in the garage that I never wear and all the $2 flipflops in every color that I got from Old Navy on clearance. Every pair–count them. I did this and was shocked:

24 pairs.

Really? I really have twenty-four pairs of shoes?

Ok, $24 dollars. Now here’s the cool thing (Don’t miss this!): If you give through World Vision, through this specific link, the money we give specifically for shoes and clothes will be MULTIPLIED ELEVEN times over! Yes! They have generous donors who have agreed to multiply any gifts in this category eleven times over. So if I give $24 that will pay for $264 worth of clothing and shoes! WHOA!

So go count up your shoes and CLICK HERE to visit World Vision and have your gift multiplied by 11.

Last, and here it gets fun and I get scared…

3. IF you do this (go barefoot, count your shoes, and give the $ amount), leave a comment on this site (click at the bottom of this post) with the number of shoes you counted.  This isn’t to embarrass anyone, it’s to share in community and get some perspective and to acknowledge how much we all have.  (If you leave a comment and say “2” I’ll know you’re lying.)

Then, Jeff & I will give World Vision an additional $10 for EVERY COMMENT. And that will also be multiplied by 11, so we literally have the opportunity, together, to give thousands of dollars to help clothe and shoe those in need today!  In just one day!  This is a phenomenal opportunity.  I know that there’s a lot of ya’ll out there, so I’m a little scared to do this, but if you’re up for it, so am I! (And yes, my husband said it was ok!)

And although the real “winning” is in giving, here’s one fun little freebie:

At the end of the day we’ll draw a winner at random from the comments and that winner will win a FREE BOOK. You choose from a list of five books, which you can see below.

Ready?  Head over to the closet and with a little counting and clicking we can bless God’s children with the message of Christ and the gift of shoes.  Because our God is so good.

*Books to choose from: (or if you have all these you’re welcome to pick another spiritually nourishing book of your choice.)

49 thoughts on “One Day Without Shoes [Challenge & Chance to win]”

  1. I’ll do it! I have 17 and one odd, so 18 pairs, I will go all day and donate as well. Great idea.

  2. 23 pairs of shoes. World Vision gift. Now a day without shoes in Raleigh, NC.

    I loved the video from the 2010 event… that was the deal cincher! THANKS, Kari!

  3. Kari-
    That is so awesome! I’m in! No shoes, except I do need to adjust and wear flip flops due to work requirements. 18 shoes, so $18 contributed to World Vision which means it was matched, and $385 is totally donated today! THAT IS AWESOME!!!! (I had no idea I had that many pairs hiding in the closet!) Thanks for doing this, and letting us join you! I will be thinking of you today! Love you!

  4. Ok, here goes nothing. My name is Destiny and I am a shoe addict I have 51 pairs of shoes. I thought for fun oh I’ll just count what is in my closet upstairs and in the hall closet. Didn’t even go in the garage!
    Yes, I even took pictures. The sad thing is I have about 5 pairs without dust on them. That alone tells me something. Thans you Kari and Jeff for making me admit my addiction and alerting me of this need with World Vision.
    God Bless you both

      1. Haha! That’s hilarious, Destiny. Thanks so much for taking the plunge and doing this. Love it and love you!

  5. The funny thing is that I have been meaning to get rid of lots of my shoes, but haven’t gotten around to it yet! I counted 43, but then I remembered another pair so that is 44. But now that I think about it I think I have some in a bin in one of our sheds…so maybe I’ll just round up to 50. I feel like I’m kind of cheating with the no shoes thing since we are all sick and not doing much of anything, but I promise we’ll at least walk around the block! And normally I even wear my flip flops in the house so I guess it is a bit of a sacrifice. Thanks for encouraging me to contribute! Best money I’ve spent this month!

    1. Yay Janae! If wish I could give out another prize for “cutest shoe collection” because that would be you. 🙂 I love you my lifelong friend!

  6. I just donated $35! I am at work so can’t count my shoes but I’m sure that’s about right 🙂 Also, need to wear shoes since I work in a professional enviornment but my heart is in this!

  7. What a great cause and it certainly made a difference to me that I could be matched 11x !!!!
    Okay, the truth – I couldn’t count my shoes because we are in Brazil right now BUT I did have 13 pair (counting flip flops that I had brought down previously) with me soooooo I thought I would say 40 pair hoping that I am over the amount I truly have rather than under. I am a shoe person but I recently did some cleaning out!!!
    Now I need to figure out how I am going to walk the streets of Curitiba today with no shoes….makes for an interesting day!

    1. Yay!! I love that you are doing this in BRAZIL! This totally made my day, Sheri. Blessings on you–I have learned so much from your life.

  8. I counted 17 pair. Though, I have to say, if I weren’t a SAHHM I’d have more! I never have to worry about my shoes not fitting.. so it’s an easy buy for me. 🙂 Anyway, I donated to WV and am going shoe-less today. I’ll have to go on a walk to as my above mentioned daily life doesn’t require much “going out”. 🙂 Thanks Kari and Jeff!

  9. 30 pairs of shoes…slippers included…but gave exponentially more than that to World Vision for all of the shoes that are probably still in my future ;-). Love your creative use of technology to love on those in need.

    1. Ooh, I didn’t count my slippers! Gotta up mine to 25 then. 🙂 Love what you have on your blog as well. What fun that we have sunshine today too! 🙂

  10. I too don’t think of myself as a shoe person but I have 30 pair including my “barn” boots. I just donated $30 to World vision…it will be fun to see where this goes!

  11. Okay….been dwelling on this since last night. I was TOO CHICKEN to go barefoot to the gym this morning, especially since it was a weights class. Just gonna be real – I WAS CHICKEN. I even counted my shoes and slippers last night. 32. But, I rounded up because World Vision made it SO EASY with that little $35 button. We love bare feet at my house, but takin’ it to the streets is a whole new thing.
    Thank you Kari for challenging us outside our comfort zone. Literally 😉

    1. Awesome Jackie!! Totally love your honesty and hey, that extra $2 totally makes up for wearing your shoes to the gym. Haha. Just kidding, I totally understand. Love you girl!

  12. Done! Brian and I aren’t shoe people so I combined what we both own…24 pairs…$264 to World Vision! The kids and I have been shoe-less all day:-) Thanks for spreading the word on this Kari, you and Jeff are a blessing to us!

    1. Wow, Meliss I am inspired by your shoe-simplicity. Maybe you can write a post for me on simplifying?? Thanks for doing this–you’re my hero my friend!

  13. Kari,

    What a great idea to all work together to make a difference! I did the $35, as I’m at work. I am not really a shoe person, but I bet I have way more than I think…we’re so blessed 🙂


  14. Hey Summer told me about your site… clicked the link and were ready to donate! Great great great!!!

    1. Well thank you Codi! It’s nice to “meet” you. 🙂 Thanks so much for doing this; I pray you and your family are blessed indeed!

  15. barefoot at home surrounded by my 12 shoes. Moving cross country helps to diminish the stock pile. Love you Kari…a fresh breeze blown into my life :~] thanks for your ‘lil nudge in shoe awareness.

    1. Yes! That is not very many at all and it’s still hilarious to think that a dozen isn’t very many. You are a blessing to me, Debra and I’ve only known you 3 days! Isn’t God good?

  16. Oh dear…I have 35 of my own! And as a family, we figured we have way too many, so we decided to donate $100 to Worldvision…what a blessing as we imagined (with our little girls) what that multipled by 11 can provide!! Thank you Kari for sharing this today.

    1. Ha! I love your honesty–isn’t it amazing to count?! It’s eye-opening. Thank you for doing this, Julie! So blessed by you!

  17. I had 23 pairs (mostly ski boots and climbing shoes), so I did the donation, but I didn’t go shoeless (went running today), so I don’t qualify.

  18. So blessed to see my mom walk into the bank without shoes.

    So blessed to have sisters in Christ who in trust and love had their shoes off before they even knew the whole story.

    So blessed to have Christ touch my life through the hands and feet 🙂 of Kari.

    $50 sent with gratitude

    1. Kellie you are amazing! I love that you spread this all around this morning. I am so inspired by you, all the time! Thanks so much.

  19. I have 32 pair of shoes! Yikes! And I can honestly say I’m not a shoe girl – just have a lot of running/hiking/dancing/golfing/snoe shoeing shoes! Ugh!

    Bob wanted to jump in too, so he has 18 pair. We’re giving to World vision for both of us, so that’s 50 pair!

    1. Ha! Yes, thank you for the honesty–love it! And we sure love you guys. Thanks so much for doing this, Dani. Love to you and Bob!

  20. 14 pairs (including slippers 🙂 so $14 donated. The littles and I went barefoot all day, to the bank, the store, to pay rent, and a few other stops… caught us on a busy day- it was perfect! My 3 year old asked at every stop “Are we gonna walk barefoot again? Why? Is it because we didn’t give shoes to other little kids yet?” He’s starting to get it! Thanks for sharing! (P.S. I used to go to Timber Valley- so I got linked to your site through Shiree 🙂

  21. Hey, Kari. I’m just sneaking in under the wire here with my 33 and 1/2 pairs of shoes (pretty sure I’m going to find my other garden clog someday). I’ll round it up to 34. Isn’t that crazy? You’d think we were all centipedes!

  22. Even though it’s just an hour before midnight Jordan & I wanted to join in on the fun! We counted up to close to 50 for both of us so we gave $50 to World Vision. =)

    Thanks for leading & living generosity, it is an inspiration for sure!

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