Ok, can I get a show of hands who think that it is just ridiculous how much insecurity we still carry with us into adulthood??  I mean, seriously. I thought that was supposed to go away with adolescent acne, but unfortunately in my life both seem to hang on with besetting tenacity.

I don’t have a lot to say about it, other than this: It can distort our view of reality. It can cause us to look at situations, circumstances, relationships with a distorted view of reality.  And, it makes us preoccupied with self, which blinds us from seeing things from other’s perspective.  It is, quite clearly, a problem.

So we need God to free us from ourselves. We need to go back, once again, to the Gospel, and remember that our significance comes from being the prized and treasured sons and daughters of the King. We need to repent of our pride and need for praise and approval. We need to confess and agree with God that we have tried to build our own Kingdom instead of His Kingdom. And we need to rest in the unconditional love and acceptance that He offers us.

Ahh… there’s freedom there.

I pray today we would walk in the freedom and confidence of knowing who we are in Christ.  How’s that sound?  Sounds glorious to me.

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