It is late as I write this. Way late. I’m a 9pm bedtime girl and let’s just say it’s not 9pm.  I’m undertaking a little writing project, which is exciting to me because I love to write more than just about anything else in the world.  Apparently more than sleep.  But last night in a tired-moment I said to Jeff, “I don’t have time to write. It’s what I love to do but  I literally do not have any free time during my days.”  Of course he offered to help in a dozen different ways, but that’s not really it. It’s just that life, glorious life, is full.  Full of joys and blessed busyness that I wouldn’t trade for anything. But still, full.

Then I remembered that Ann Voskamp said she wrote in the darkness, during the fringe hours of her days.

Fringe hours.

Isn’t that where the course of our life is truly determined?  Most of our mid-day hours are decided for us. They are at work, changing diapers, running errands.  A dozen employees in a company may look much the same from 9-5 but it is what they do during the fringe hours of the day that makes them who they are.  Really, the fringe hours are the only ones that are ours, so of course they are pregnant with possibility. And especially as moms, the really fringe hours (think dark outside) are often the only ones we really have to ourselves.

So I’m thinking it’s important to invest more in the fringe.

People on the fringe. Ministry on the fringe.  Moments on the fringe.

Words on the fringe.

So it’s dark and my screen is lit. My house is silent except for quiet clicking of keys. I’ll keep writing on the fringe and maybe, just maybe, all those fringes will add up into something beautiful.

Something whole.


What do you do with your fringe hours?  When you add them all up, what will they become?

Happy Friday. Week’s end with thanks tomorrow…

PS If you got this in your feedreader you can tell how I tired I was when I wrote this, the title was “For is Fringe Hours”… I couldn’t even type the title right! 🙂



12 thoughts on “F is for Fringe Hours”

  1. Thank you so much for writing. I am going through a difficult time and your words and the book by Ann Voskamp have been a great encouragement to me. I look forward to your posts…like a little jewel in my humdrum facebook news feed. Ahh a good bite of meaning added to my thoughts. Your writing is refreshing to me Kari :).

    1. Kailey, thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m praying for you today and praying God gives you a hundred little jewels of encouragement through this trial. I wonder what He’s up to… something good, of course. But I’ll pray. Bless you girl!

  2. I’m sitting here in the quiet darkness of early morning. You are part of my fringe 🙂

    1. Dani I want to be part of your fringe and part of your middle and part of every little bit of your beautiful life because you inspire me so much! 🙂

  3. I too am also using my fringe hours a ton more lately knowing that they are MY hours. And, oh, how I am loving them:-)

    1. I thought of you and your lavender when I wrote this. Your baby chicks, your garden, your tender prayers over your kids. You’re a fringe girl for sure! 🙂

  4. Oh Sweet Kari,

    “I’ll keep writing on the fringe and maybe, just maybe, all those fringes will add up into something beautiful.”

    How I wish you knew through the deepest parts of your heart and soul that your writing and life have already added up to something beautiful!

    Your words may or may not be bound in a beautiful book someday. I hope they are. but even better, one day you will stand before God and learn of all of the lives you have touched, loved, encouraged, and lifted for His kingdom. You will be amazed when he gives you the warmest smile you have ever experienced and says, “Well done, Good and Faithful Servant.”

  5. Fringe hours. I like the term you chose to describe those hours where we seem to squeak out the something extra that makes us…us. When I read your words my brain that sees words like pictures a lot (think children’s picture book and you get the idea of my head) went to the picture of the woman reaching for the fringe of his cloak. Knowing that if she could just touch the fringe, she would be healed. Maybe that’s why working in the fringe hours produces much fruit. Your tree is planted next to that stream of living water. You will produce the the fruit in its season.:)

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