{Disclaimer: I wrote this last week, in a particularly weak moment, and was going to delete it but felt that perhaps, just perhaps, it might encourage someone today. The TRUTH did get my eyes back on Jesus and put me back on the right course. And, interestingly enough, a little e-book was birthed from all this… Enjoy!}


Some days I want to yell at Ann Voskamp. (And I know that’s not appropriate.)

“I’m sorry, How DO you write books and homeschool 6 kids and run a farm and clean your house and speak to thousands of people and blog every day AND take pictures of it all and STAY SANE???”

I really didn’t mean to raise my voice.

But some days I can’t breathe. Between parenting, moving, church-planting, pastoring, speaking, writing, blogging, homeschooling … Oh and then there’s cooking, cleaning, organizing.

And I’m supposed to answer my phone too? And check my email?

And my feedreader is full of blog posts from Mamas doing Christmas crafts with their kids.

I’m sorry, Christmas crafts? 

My son’s birthday tomorrow will consist of a cheese pizza and Legos dumped on the dining room table. I dare say I probably won’t be posting pictures on Pinterest.

And every Publisher’s feedback has been the same: You need to build more of a platform. Get your name out there. Guest post. Tweet. Do giveaways. 


The only thing I want to giveaway right now is my to-do list. Does that count? 

I was so encouraged a few weeks ago when I read one popular blogger say that she was taking a month-long break from writing in order to re-focus her heart and spend time with her kids. But I just clicked there again today and found 5 new posts since then, a completely new blog design, and a brand new book of hers released.


Does anyone rest?  

*sigh* Oh friends, I hope you never feel like this but just in case you do, let’s remind ourselves of the truth, shall we?

Truth: God has given us exactly the right amount of seconds in our day to accomplish exactly the things He wants us to accomplish.

Truth: We all have different sized milkshakes, different capacities for getting things done. Comparison kills.

Truth: Haste makes waste. (Thank you, Ann!) Jesus never ran and was never in a hurry. He walked this earth with measured steps and calm intentionality.

Truth: Pride pushes and pulls us, driving us on, the cruelest task-master. But gentle grace leads the humble, the life of God the steady source of fuel.

Truth: We have plenty. Though I always feel like I fall short, God has given each one of us plenty for today. I must believe that.

The truth is, I love Ann and all the other phenomenally gifted women out there who are inspiring us with their photos, words, and crafts. And most days I’m happily inspired. But sometimes I must just admit how overwhelmed I feel and take a step back, a deep breath, and maybe a couple ibuprofen, and remind myself  of the truth that sets me free.

Nothing is as important as your heart. So when it starts to turn bitter, sour, God must work His truth in there and fix your heart’s gaze back on Him. And while I’m sorry I vented those thoughts on you, sometimes we have to identify what the “yuck” is in order to let God wash it clean, amen?

Because I really don’t want to yell at Ann Voskamp. Or my husband, or my kids. None of us do, right? We want the life of God to fill us with His peace and give us grace for whatever’s on our plate.

One day–one breath–at a time, we must believe there’s plenty. 

I pray this can encourage you as you finish your week. Thanks for reading.

P.S., It’s kind of funny timing … TOMORROW we’re doing a special giveaway (ha!) for my FIRST e-book! After all my whining, the timing just so happened that God would birth a book entitled, Plenty, and that it would come out the day after this post. Sometimes you just have to laugh. Stay tuned for:

11 thoughts on “How to keep from yelling at Ann Voskamp”

  1. AMEN! I am reading that book right now and just read that chapter with “haste makes waste” – so timely! Thanks for being obedient and transparent and sharing 🙂

  2. Love it! And this is why your blog is the only one I read. Seriously. Love your honesty & looking forward to your book!!!!

  3. I love the quote of yours “Jesus never ran and was never in a hurry. He walked this earth with measured steps and calm intentionality.” THAT is incredible and so true.
    Intentionality … to slow down and not lose our vision of the Christmas season.
    I put that on my facebook page and used your blog url with it. Thank you.

  4. Ah, I love it, Kari! NO doubt those that seem to be ‘doing it all’ feel exactly like this sometimes! I’m so thankful you had the courage, and humility, to admit you do and to put it out there like this. We are often only seeing other people’s ‘highlight reel’ … not their reality. 😉 I’m looking forward to your e-book!!

  5. Thanks Friend for this post. It pretty much sums up my weekly experience and is a good redirection tool. Just bought your book…yes, 5 mins before the “giveaway” deadline…because that’s the kind of life I lead right now! Thanks for encouraging me to embrace it and to keep asking God what He’s doing and how I can be a part of it!

  6. Hi! I found your blog through a search engine when I was searching for something Ann Voskamp said – ha! I totally get it… as a wanna-be writer and homeschool mom too I get you! But I found this article last week, and it was especially helpful to understand Ann. The way she does it involves living a life that is much different than ours. I hope you enjoy the read: http://www.worldmag.com/2012/06/the_write_way
    The whole platform thing gets me up on another soapbox.. let me tell you. I’d love to hear your experience if you feel like sharing! thescarletpaisley(at)yahoo.com

  7. I too came across your blog in a search for something Ann V. Totally hear your heart on this one, but I do have to say that of all the bloggers that I read or have browsed through, Ann is the most humble and real. She is honest about her failures and emotions and short-comings. There are people in life who are just wired to do a whole lot! I am not one of those people, and it is hard to not compare. When we focus on the good that people like you and Ann bring to our lives, then those feelings fade a bit. 🙂

  8. No need to apologize for speaking your truth Kari. I think every mom can identify with how you feel…even Ann:)

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